It’s Monday morning and children arrive to discover a fallen possum box on the ground behind preschool. Children knew local possums relied on trees and the boxes as their homes. With bush fire prevention work underway, council had been clearing trees and accidentally knocked a box down. Children and adults cared deeply about this space and the many other species they shared it with. Together with local council officers, they created a plan to bring tree hollows and more nesting boxes into the area.
What is an ecological identity?
This scenario demonstrates children’s emerging ecological identity, which “is more than just knowledge about the environment1.” Instead, it involves how humans relate to the world around them and to each other through our everyday environmental practices.1 By encouraging children to empathise with the wellbeing of flora and fauna in their local community we can help grow their ecological identities.
“Developing a profound sense of oneself in relationship to natural and social ecosystems is necessary grounding for the difficult work of environmental advocacy” (Thomashow, 1996).
Transitioning to a more sustainable way of living is essential if we are to have “enough for all forever”2 and strengthening our ecological identity boosts our reason, our why for making these changes.
Appreciation and care for the natural environment
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia V2.0 (EYLF) calls upon educators to help children show an increasing knowledge of, and respect, for natural and constructed environments (Learning Outcome 2.4, p.43). However, helping children learn about sustainable practices is more complex than just caring. The EYLF describes three interconnected dimensions of sustainability – environmental, social and economic – and recognises children’s interest in supporting a fair and sustainable world and their role as active and informed citizens.
” Educators provide opportunities for children to learn about all the interconnected dimensions of sustainability, understanding that sustainability goes beyond learning in nature and being involved in nature conservation” (EYLF V2.0 Principle 6: Sustainability, p.18).
By planning cross-curriculum learning experiences that explore biodiversity in the natural world, we can help children develop a strong connection to the diverse ecosystems across Australia and the many plant & animal species that depend on them for survival. Educators can scaffold valuable learning about sustainability practices and the impact humans can have on animal habitats in local areas. Installing homes for native animals, birds and insects in centre playgrounds is one effective way to help promote children’s understandings about the importance of protecting local wildlife.
Both the EYLF and NQS require early education services to reflect upon and embed sustainability in our daily routines and practices, helping develop an ecological identity in young children.
“National Quality Standard (NQS) 3.3 aims to support children to develop positive attitudes and values by engaging in learning experiences that link people, plants, animals and the land and by watching adults around them model sustainable practices” (ACECQA, 2013).
Some early education providers have had great success in rolling out simplified sustainability concepts within their programs. One example is KU Children’s Services’ Becoming Eco Smart Together (BEST) program which comprises children’s wonderings, observations, and offerings as they explore their world. It seeks to shift our minds and therefore our behaviours and bring forth a relationship of reciprocity by exploring 4 big ideas with young children.
Big Idea # 1: There is only one Earth, and we can call this our home.
When we look at photos of Earth from space we see a blue planet with white, brown & green land and water masses. We don’t see details of our state, suburb, street or house, but we can call Earth home. It provides for us and there is interdependence between land, people, plants and animals within many diverse ecosystems. We can wonder together with children by asking What do I know about the place where I live? and begin to explore our homes, backyards and playgrounds, and who may have lived here before.
Big Idea #2: We share this home with many other living species and systems.
Together, we can investigate other living things that share the space we call home. We can explore the concept of sharing natural resources. For example, when people leave water out for animals after bushfires to help care for other living things. Sometimes children have a fear of the other lives sharing their space, but by encouraging biophilia (i.e. an affinity with the natural world) we can reduce fear by becoming informed, familiar, and through learning respectful behaviour.
Big Idea #3: Our home Earth provides for us all to live and thrive.
We can think of Earth as one enormous present, a lifetime of all we need to live and thrive. This idea recognises that the earth is a complex ecology of finite systems and that all living things are dependent on air, water, and a food source. There is an interconnectedness of all systems. We are not the only species dependent on these elements for survival and ultimately the way we conserve and care for Earth will impact the health and wellbeing of all living things.
Our world is experiencing a loss of biodiversity and many plant and animal species are not thriving. We can engage children in sustained shared thinking and collaborative learning by exploring ways to protect the natural environment and maintain healthy ecosystems for future generations.
Big Idea #4: How can we care for and support this home we all share?
Thinking about our relationship with Earth, a home we share with others which provides for us all, presents an opportunity for reciprocity. We encourage children to think outside an anthropocentric mindset where the focus is just on humankind, and instead explore ways to build mutually beneficial relationships by asking - What can I do for you?
As early childhood educators, we can help children look for examples of interdependence in the environment and discuss the ways the life and health of living things are interconnected.3 This final Idea invites us to explore our purpose as human beings on this one planet we all share and rely upon to support life’s wellbeing.
Ideas for educators
Early childhood educators can explore sustainability concepts together with children by using open-ended questions to guide discussions and plan provocations that engage preschoolers in play-based learning across the curriculum.
Growing ecological identities at your early learning service:
- Make sustainability prominent in your service’s statement of philosophy and educational programs.
- Begin with the places children know and ask What do you hear, see, smell, feel?
- Invite members of your local Indigenous community to share stories about the importance of caring for Country by connecting with animals, plants, lands and waterways.
- Create or view maps, name places and share photos to explore the concept of our home Earth.
- Draw / list/name the animal species you see or look for evidence of their existence in the playground.
- Explore ways to protect homes or create habitats to encourage more wildlife into the area.
- Help children show respect for the natural environment by observing how all living and non-living things are dependent on each other in different ecosystems.
- Care for chickens to promote sustainable habits by feeding food scraps and using manure as garden compost.
- Create and promote sustainable communities by growing food such as fruits, vegetables and herbs.
- Show our reciprocity by changing small things, such as running a waste reduction campaign or planting pollinator food.
- Explore ways to reduce our carbon footprint through simple sustainable practices.
- Collaborate with others in your local community to help care for the surrounding natural environment.
- Explore the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for action.
Helpful links
- ABC Kids listen: Gardening Buds Early Education Guide
- Sustainability in Action in Early Childhood Settings
- Play School Through the Windows: Native Bees
- ABC Gardening Australia: How to make a bee hotel
- Play School Green Team: Early Education Notes
- ABC Kids listen: Noisy by Nature Early Education Resources
- 1.Thomashow, M. (1996). Ecological Identity: Becoming a Reflective Environmentalist.
- 2.Hopkins,C. (2009) Enough, for all, forever: The quest for a sustainable future. Education Canada, 49(4),42-6.
- 3.Australian Government Department of Education. (2022). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia V2.0.
- 4.Elliot, S. (2013). A ‘green’ thumbs up to sustainable programs. We Hear You, ACECQA.
- 5.Sneddon, S. & Pettit, A. (2015). Sustainability in action in early childhood settings. VIC: Teaching Solutions.
About the author
Deb Watson is the passionate Manager Sustainability with KU Children’s Services. Having held many early childhood education roles including service leadership, tertiary education, regulatory oversight and management on NSW ECEEN, Deb encourages all to engage our head, our heart, and our hands for a sustainable world for all life.
Courtesy of KU Children’s Services
Linda Harrison and Laura Stone for ABC Kids Early Education