There's a lot of talk about fake news. But what about fake, even fraudulent, science?
China's president wants to turn the country into a scientific superpower, but mass retractions by scientific journals of papers penned by Chinese scientists has exposed a major problem for China and for science globally.
It's home to a thriving black market for fake papers, fake peer reviews, and beyond.
But is China alone?
Medical journalist
Co-founder of Retraction Watch
Distinguished Writer in Residence and Clinical Professor of Medicine, New York University
Professor in Innovation Studies
School of Contemporary Chinese Studies
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Asia Pacific correspondent
China introduces sweeping reforms to crack down on academic misconduct. Nature News, 8 June 2018.
Retraction Note to multiple articles in Tumor Biology. Springer, April 2017.
China's Scientific Elite
Cong Cao
RoutledgeCurzon, 2004
China's Emerging Technological Edge: Assessing the Role of High-End Talent
Cong Cao and Denis Fred Simon
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Science Friction Live at the Melbourne Museum (September to December 2018). Come along to series of hot button discussions! Free but you need to book.
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Can China be a global economic power and now a scientific superpower too?