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Staying well during a heatwave


What might feel like normal summer weather to some can be very dangerous for others.

The Bureau of Meteorology defines a heatwave as three or more days in a row when both daytime and night-time temperatures are unusually high— compared to the local long-term climate and recent past. 

There is no single temperature threshold for a heatwave in Australia. 

High overnight temperatures are what make heatwaves so dangerous because our bodies don't get a chance to cool down. It's also what makes a heatwave different from just a hot summer day.

Heatwaves can make you dehydrated and feel unwell. They can also disrupt infrastructure and services.

Keep heat out of your house

  • Practice night purging — Open windows at night to clear hot air out and close windows and doors early before the sun is up to retain cool air inside.
  • Keep the sun out — Blockout curtains and blinds covering windows during the day keep heat out of the house. This is especially effective for windows that are exposed to sun for many hours or at the hottest time of the day. 

Keep yourself cool

  • Focus on cooling yourself — Sitting in front of an electric fan will keep you cool, even if the house is warm. It is vital to drink extra water to prevent dehydration.
  • Spray yourself with water — Wetting your skin will cool you down and prevent dehydration. Dipping your feet in water can also keep you cooler; make sure your feet and the floor are dry afterwards to prevent slipping accidents.
  • Wet clothes — Wearing wet clothes can cool you down without needing to sweat. Wet your clothes about once an hour to keep your body temperature down.
  • Stay hydrated — Avoid caffeine and alcohol and aim to drink a small cup of cool water (200mL) every 15 to 20 minutes. Cool rather than cold water is best to avoid stomach cramps. 
  • Prepare your body for any strenuous activity if you're planning exercise you should hydrate in advance. Victoria Health says you should drink at least half a litre of fluids 2 hours before exercising and then around 200 ml every 20 minutes or so while working out.
  • Take note when visiting the toilet — Have a look at the colour of your urine when using the toilet. A light shade indicates you're hydrated, while darker urine means you need to drink more water. 
  • Cover up in the sun — Protect yourself outside. If you need to be in the sun, wear a shirt, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Sunburn will affect your body's ability to cope with the heat. 
  • Seek air conditioning — If you don't have air conditioning at home, spend the day somewhere like a library, cinema or shopping centre. If you have an air conditioner at home, make sure it has been serviced and has clean filters.

Check on family, friends and neighbours and animals

  • Keep a close eye on vulnerable people you know — Heatwaves pose the greatest risk to elderly, pregnant and very young people. People who are fit and well can also be affected, so remind the very active people in your life not to over-exercise during the warmest part of the day.
  • Make sure pets are cool — Provide plenty of shade and enough water to last the entire day. Putting ice cubes in their bowl will help keep water cool for longer. Check on them regularly. If you live in an area with a lot of wildlife, you can leave shallow dishes of water around your property.

Look out for warnings

Agencies such as the Bureau of Meteorology and the State Emergency Service will work together to issue heatwave alerts.

Be on the lookout for alerts related to heat health (generally issued by the chief health officer), extreme heat or transport disruptions.

The Bureau of Meteorology now forecasts heatwaves in the warmer months, using maps showing colour-coded heatwave severity for the previous two three-day periods and the next five three-day periods.

Your local doctor, hospital or health professional is a source of advice if in doubt.