Across comedy, drama, children's TV, documentary and special events, the ABC has a proud history of telling engaging Australian stories that celebrate the nation's culture, reflect the country back to itself, and contribute to a sense of national identity across all platforms.
- 79% of Australians regard the ABC as distinctively Australian and contributing to Australia's national identity
- 78% of Australians believe the ABC reflects the cultural diversity of the Australian community
- 80% of Australians consider the ABC provides good programs of an educational nature
- 77% of people consider the ABC encourages and promotes Australian performing arts such as music and drama
- 77% of people believe the ABC achieves a good balance between programs of wide appeal and specialised interest
Source: ABC Corporate Tracker
The ABC is also a major investor in Australian audiovisual content and plays a vital role in supporting the Australian local content and screen production industry. As an engine of creative development, employment and innovation, the ABC contributes economic benefits as a significant employer of content makers, through partnerships with screen, music, arts sectors, and through regional production and events. By sourcing Australian stories and bolstering local supply chains, the ABC helps build the capability, capacity and crew-depth of the Australian screen production industry.
Between 2020-21 and 2022-23, the ABC was involved in the commissioning of 370 screen productions, helping to bring more than 1,985 hours of Australian content to viewers' screens. This included 184 internal productions, which the ABC funded and produced entirely and 186 externally commissioned screen productions, where the ABC partnered with another producer.