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Program: Pip Williams — from dyslexia to the Dictionary of Lost Words

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Pip Williams was a teenage poetry enthusiast when she had her first poem, called Fifteen, published in Dolly magazine. 

Then just a couple of years later, she was diagnosed with dyslexia.

But despite her struggles with reading and spelling, she never drew back from the world of books and words.

A few years ago Pip was reading a non-fiction book about the history of the Oxford English Dictionary when she started to question why there weren't more women in the story.

Then she found the story of a missing word left out of the first-ever edition of the dictionary.  

This story became the seeds of Pip's first novel, The Dictionary of Lost Words, which is now an international bestseller.

Further information

Originally broadcast October 2023.

The Dictionary of Lost Words and the Bookbinder of Jericho are published by Affirm Press

Image Details

Pip Williams was diagnosed with dyslexia at 17, then she grew up to become one of Australia's most popular writers with her first novel 'The Dictionary of Lost Words'

Fiction, Novel, Human Interest, Sustainable and Alternative Farming

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