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Black and white cross-section of concentric tree rings with a fresh green leave placed on top

Program: Trees, seeds, and ecotourism — the hidden histories Nature reveals about us

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Can a single seed tell the story of a civilisation? What do the scars on the skins of 200-year old whales tell about our ancestors? Can ancient trees reveal hidden histories of human frailty and fabulousness? Can Nature be a timekeeper? 

Joining Big Ideas host Natasha Mitchell are Dave Witty (author of What the Trees See: A Wander through Millennia of Natural History), Fiona McMillan-Webster (author of The Age of Seeds: How Plants Hacked Time and Why Our Future Depends on It) and Satyajit Das (author of Wild Quests: Journeys into Ecotourism and the Future of Animals).

This event was hosted by the Brisbane Writers Festival.


Satyajit Das
Author, former banker, consultant

Dr Fiona McMillan-Webster
Science writer and scientist

Dave Witty

Image Details

Can Nature be a timekeeper?

Nature, Conservation, History, Ancient History, Trees, Animals, Seeds, Indigenous Australians, Agricultural and Farming Practice, Plants, Agricultural Crops

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