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A canvas painting of two women with their back to the viewer, looking towards a mountain range.

Program: Going beyond the gallery walls, and Maanyung's Until No More

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Bundanon Art Museum’s latest exhibition bagan bariwariganyan (echoes of country) brings together three artists to create an immersive gunyah installation.

Hear how Aunty Julie Freeman, Aunty Cheryl Davison and Jonathan Jones used that installation to wrap the work of a significant Yuin artist-ancestor in Country.

Then, Gumbayngirr musician Maanyung continues the Mob Music Month celebrations as he discusses his debut EP Until No More.

Plus for Word Up, head back to north west of South Australia where Yankunytjatjara speakers Karina Lester and her daughter Larissa take you will share a little more of their language.

Image Details

Aunty Julie Freeman's solo exhibition is titled bidd i - gal noon - kan - lee (Grandmothers belonging to me).


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