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Man with a tattoo on his arm that says 'No regrets' spelled incorrectly

Program: Tattoo regret: Why are Australians removing their body art?

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Tattoos are now commonplace in Australia and tattoo regret is also increasingly common.

The tattoo removal market in Australia has almost tripled in recent years. It is projected to reach $3.04 million by 2026 – that's up from its $1.14 million value in 2018 according to Allied Market Research.

So, why are more and more Aussies choosing to remove once-permanent body art?


Emma Tucker, currently getting one of her three tattoos removed

Meryl Aitken, registered nurse who owns 'Laser You Clinic' in Adelaide

Samantha Reeve, dermal clinician, lecturer and course chair for the Bachelor of Dermal Sciences at Victoria University.

Image Details

Many Australians regret their tattoo

Body Art, Public Health

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