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A statue of a man, woman and children in front of a flag pole with the Vanuatu flag, and the country's parliament.

Program: Vanuatu snap general eleksen long 14 January

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Electoral Commission blong Vanuatu i makim pinis namba 14 blong January, 2025 olsem tasim we ol vouta blong Vanuatu bai voutim ol 52 niupla memba blong Nasinol Palamen.

Vanuatu imas holim snap generol eleksen bihain long President em ibin dissolvim Palamen long namba 18 blong Novemba.

Chairman blong Electoral Commission, Edward Kalamat ibin anaunsim long VBTC olsem ol kampen wok bai open long namba 31 Cenemba and bai klos long namba 11 blong January, 2025.

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Vanuatu's parliament in Port Vila, June 22, 2023.