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Program: Banana art and tracking farts

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You're in for a weird and wonderful episode of News Time today! Hear about bananas stuck to walls, and scientists interested in hearing all about people's…. farts.

Quiz Questions

  1. 1.How much did the banana artwork sell for?
  2. 2.Who is being asked to track their farts?
  3. 3.Which competition did the ParaMatildas win?
  4. 4.In which city might you have found a fossil floating down the street?
  5. 5.What kind of sheep did Nikki shear?

Bonus Tricky Question

How many sheep did Nikki shear in 8 hours?


  1. 1.$9.5 million
  2. 2.Australians over 14 years old
  3. 3.World Cup
  4. 4.Melbourne
  5. 5.Merino

Bonus Tricky Answer


Children, Education