Key Editorial Standards
Excerpts of key editorial standards relevant to this guidance note are set out below. Other editorial standards may also be relevant, depending on the specific circumstances applying in each case.
Public access and participation
9.1 Free broadcast time or publication space may be provided to enable individuals or organisations to communicate directly with the ABC, the audience and each other, provided that:
a the content is broadcast or published as a public service;
b the content is relevant and suitable in the context in which it appears;
c the ABC maintains editorial control; and
d ABC independence and integrity are maintained.
9.2 Opportunities to participate must be administered fairly and respectfully.
9.3 Do not knowingly mislead audiences about the nature of the content.
9.4 Clearly distinguish content generated and submitted to the ABC from content produced, commissioned or acquired by the ABC.
9.5 Do not accept money or other benefit in exchange for broadcasting or publishing the content generated through public access and participation.
The ABC has established an active presence on social media platforms and many staff are now responsible for publishing official content across a range of services. While the core values and editorial standards apply to social media just as much as to content on the traditional platforms, there are some particular challenges involved and some distinct procedures have been developed.
This note must be read by anyone authorised to operate or administer an official ABC social media account. It applies to all official ABC social media accounts which are established from the date this guidance note is issued and, to the extent practicable, to accounts already in operation. Divisions are encouraged to keep the accounts they administer under continuous review to ensure appropriate oversight and control measures are in place. An exit strategy should be implemented when an account no longer serves its purpose and is to be closed down.
This guidance note does not apply to personal use of social media by ABC staff. Instead, the ABC has issued Personal Use of Social Media Guidelines
This is what we mean by the following terms:
Social Media:
Includes all social media and third party platform services intended for the use by the ABC which allow us to create, share and distribute content. This content may include different types of media such as text, audio, images, and video. Examples of social media and third party platforms include (but are not limited to) Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Messaging Platforms including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Distribution platforms like Apple News, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.
An official ABC social media account:
- is any social media account over which the ABC exercises editorial control.
Aspects of editorial control include:
- establishing the account, which must be authorised in accordance with the Editorial Policies;
- publishing content generated, produced, commissioned or acquired by the ABC;
- moderating user generated content posted on the account – whether hosted on an ABC platform or social media service, to the extent permitted by the social media service and in line with the expectations and conventions of existing users of the social media service; and
- determining if and when the account is to be modified or closed.
ABC Editorial Policies
All content that the ABC publishes or broadcasts via social media is subject to the ABC Editorial Policies. The Editorial Policies cover matters fundamental to the independence, integrity, impartiality and reputation of the ABC. The Principles and Standards outlined in the Editorial Policies cover such issues as accuracy, privacy, fair and honest dealing, harm and offence and corrections and clarifications, many of which, if not all, will arise during your stewardship of an official social media account. The Editorial Policies also include a range of Guidance Notes which explain how the Principles and Standards are applied in particular contexts. You should be especially familiar with the Guidance Notes dealing with moderating user generated content and with managing children’s participation online.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with the Editorial Policies and are comfortable in their use.
Applying the Editorial Policies becomes a little more complex when it comes to our accounts on social media platforms. We recognise that these services exercise a level of control over the accounts they host, and accordingly, our responsibility for content submitted or otherwise posted to these accounts is often shared with the social media service itself. As social media services evolve, the ABC needs to take a flexible approach which should be sensitive to the expectations, customs and conventions of existing users of the third-party site, and to the ABC’s need to maintain its own reputation as an innovator with integrity. In Section 9 of the Editorial Policies (Public Access and Participation), we say:
The ABC seeks both to draw audiences to the platforms it controls and to reach audiences using suitable services that third parties control. The ABC takes editorial responsibility in proportion to its control of the media environment in which it operates. The ABC expects those who participate also to exercise responsibility for what they can control. In fostering engagement, the ABC seeks to maintain its independence and integrity, preserve trust and cultivate respect among participants.
Section 9 covers a number of topics which are particularly relevant to social media. For example, it spells out that the ABC does not require content generated and submitted by the audience (whether individuals or organisations) to meet the standards of accuracy or impartiality required of ABC content-makers – although we always retain the right to remove it and must always administer opportunities to participate with fairness and respect. These nuances can be challenging and you should always refer them up to your editorial manager if in doubt.
Ask yourself:
If you are posting to an official social media account, ask yourself:
- Is this editorially justified?
- Would I say it on the radio or TV?
- Would I post it on an ABC website?
Establishing ABC social media accounts
Any proposal to set up an official ABC social media account or third party platform must be approved by the division’s Social Media Lead with endorsement from their Division Executive member (usually Head of Distribution/Curation) and the Social Media Strategy team (Audiences). This process is outlined in the Social Media Operational Guidelines [internal link for ABC staff only].
Because the ABC is editorially responsible for content posted on official social media accounts, careful consideration must be given to a range of matters before a new account is set up. To ensure consistent attention and oversight is in place across the Corporation, every new account must go through a mandatory approval process.
Before the ABC uploads its content to a social media site, or invites users to do the same, consideration must be given to the site’s terms and conditions and whether there is a need to address legal and rights issues. Rights issues around images will arise quite frequently and you need to be alert to these. If you are unsure of whether you have the necessary rights or permissions contact Rights Management [internal link for ABC staff only]. On all other matters, ABC Legal and the ABC’s Rights Management unit should be consulted as appropriate.
In almost all circumstances, you will need to establish a moderation strategy to ensure resources and processes are in place to manage user-submitted content. The information you will need can be found in the Moderating UGC Guidance Note.
It should be clear to users of the social media site that they are interacting with an account, page, channel or other presence that is officially maintained by the ABC. This would typically include naming the account in line with the ABC’s branding guidelines.
The following overarching principles apply:
- Contact your social media representative before doing anything. Contact details are available on the Social Media Hub for the Social Media Lead [internal link for ABC staff only] in each Division.
- Get approval. Any proposal to establish an ABC social media or third party platform profile must be approved by the divisional Social Media Lead as endorsed by their Divisional Executive member (usually Head of Distribution/Curation) and also by the Social Media Strategy Team (Audiences).
- How is the account aligned to ABC priorities and objectives? What is to be the purpose of this account? How does it deliver on the ABC's five-year plan? What is the size of opportunity and forecast Return on Investment?
- Consider the editorial and legal implications. Remember that the ABC Editorial Policies apply to content posted on official ABC social media accounts. While the ABC does not require user-generated content on social media sites to be accurate and impartial, ABC-generated content must comply with these standards. (See Moderating User Generated Content guidance note for more detail.) An official account also needs to have a moderation plan; adequate (usually 7-day) moderation resource; and must comply with security procedures (such as establishing passwords).
- Ensure appropriate security and risk-mitigation measures are in place. See Social Media Operational Guidelines [internal link for ABC staff only] for more details.
Dealing with comments and ‘trolls’
At its heart, social media is all about engagement, and so it is tempting to always respond to people when they take the time and trouble to respond to a post.
But be aware that some people use social media solely to provoke, insult and offend. For the most part, their aim is to provoke a response. In rare occasions, ‘trolling’ can escalate into direct threats of violence and other illegal activity.
There are a range of approaches on how best to deal with trolls. Some advocate depriving them of oxygen by deleting their comments and blocking them from your account. Others take a more assertive view, engaging them in argument and retweeting offensive posts for all to see. The ABC does not have an official position on a single approach to dealing with aggressive behaviour on official sites, but would recommend in general that you should
- Be guided by the style and nature of the comments you receive.
- Engage where people are thoughtful, businesslike and civil.
- Avoid getting entangled in long and unconstructive exchanges with angry people.
- Do not respond to abusive, obscene or racist comments other than through the usual moderation procedures.
- Avoid re-tweeting trolls, even if your intention is to highlight or condemn their behaviour.
- If you do encounter abusive behaviour, let your manager and Social Media rep know immediately, and seek their advice.
- If threats are made against ABC property or staff, alert your editorial manager and ABC Security [internal link for ABC staff only].
Social media is an essential feature of the ABC's strategy for engaging more deeply with its audiences and will only become more important in the future. The ABC expects that everyone responsible for the management of an official site will take the time to become familiar with this Guidance Note, and the Social Media Operational Guidelines document, as well as making use of any other related guidance, discussing issues with colleagues where appropriate, and referring upwards when in any doubt.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the guidance notes relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints-handling procedures.
It is expected that the advice contained in guidance notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in guidance notes must be complied with.
Issued: 18 October 2013, Revised: 26 March 2021