The ABC is permitted by the ABC Act to publicise its programs, products, services, events and other activities. The ABC is conscious that its audiences value the ABC’s role as a non-commercial broadcaster and its non-commercial style. To that end, the ABC will ensure that announcements about ABC activities are produced, scheduled and broadcast or published in a style consistent with the tone and approach of the ABC’s various content strands. ABC program promotions should not misrepresent original content and should be scheduled so as to be consistent with the nature of the surrounding content.
10.1 Ensure program promotions and announcements about other ABC activities are produced, scheduled and broadcast or published in a style consistent with the tone and approach of the surrounding content and appropriately take into consideration the likely composition of the audience.
10.2 Program promotions must not misrepresent the content they promote.
10.3 Announcements about specific ABC commercial products, services or other activities may be broadcast or published provided that:
a the product, service or activity is directly related to ABC content or to content or services that bear an ABC logo or trademark;
b prior approval has been obtained from an appropriately senior person designated for the purpose within the Division(s) editorially responsible for the surrounding content or from the Managing Director;
c where the product, service or other activity involves sponsorship, any reference to the sponsor must be relevant to informing the audience and not simply a promotion of the sponsor; and
d the announcement is not broadcast or published within news content, content designed for preschool children, or any television program.
10.4 Generic announcements about ABC commercial products, services or other activities may be made provided that:
a prior approval has been obtained from an appropriately senior person designated for the purpose within the Division(s) editorially responsible for the surrounding content or from the Managing Director; and
b the announcement is not broadcast within news content, content designed for preschool children, or any television program.
10.5 Except where permitted by law, do not accept payment or other benefit to broadcast an announcement relating to any program, product, service or other activity which has been produced, published or otherwise created or made available by the ABC in association with an external organisation.
Issued: 11 April 2011