Scope of this Guidance Note
This guidance note provides general advice across a range of areas to help you make your ABC content accessible to as many people as possible.
Some audience members and potential members encounter barriers to accessing ABC content due to language issues, visual or aural impairment or other factors.
To fulfil our obligation to provide our content to as many Australians as possible, we need to explore ways of achieving that, consistent with our editorial, budgetary and operational priorities.
Editorial Standards
This guidance note does not refer to any specific editorial standards, but rather to the broader, overarching principle that ABC content should be made available to as wide an audience as possible, without undue constraint of ‘journalistic enquiry or artistic expression’ (see Note on Interpretation).
The ABC has a long and proud history of providing accessible media services, including captioning on television, transcriptions, AUSLAN interpretation for emergency broadcasts and improved web accessibility.
In addition, the ABC provides content across all major platforms and services – broadcast and on demand television, broadcast radio, IP radio, podcasts, online and mobile websites and applications. This ensures access to a wide range of information and other content (particularly news) as audio, video and text. This approach is in keeping with the ABC’s responsibilities as a taxpayer-funded public broadcaster.
However, there are often good reasons why some content will not be accessible to everyone under all circumstances. Operational, editorial, budgetary, legal and artistic factors can influence the level of accessibility, and not all content can be provided to everyone on all platforms at all times.
Wherever possible or practical, the ABC should be committed to removing unnecessary barriers between our audiences and what we offer them.
This guidance note provides practical advice on how to achieve that.
Legal Requirements
Some areas of accessibility are covered by Australian law. For example, under the Broadcasting Services Act, the provision of captioning is required on free-to-air main channels for all content broadcast from 6am to midnight, and news and current affairs broadcast at any time.
All access guidance provided in this note is subject to legal advice and, if in doubt, check with ABC Legal.
WCAG 2.1
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) is a technical standard developed under the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium. It is a set of rules designed to make online and mobile content as accessible as possible, especially to people with disabilities.
It covers a range of design and layout issues and also ensures content is as available as possible to people using assistive technologies like text-to-speech software. Australian Government departments and agencies are required to ensure that online information and services are accessible by people with disabilities. The ABC seeks to comply with WCAG 2.1 standards and meet the Government Online standards that relate to access for people with disabilities.
You don’t need to understand all aspects of these guidelines, but you do need to ensure that any ABC web or mobile sites you may be involved in have been checked to ensure they comply. The ABC’s technology team can provide assistance in complying with these expectations.
Availability on ABC platforms
As audience behaviours evolve, more people are accessing content online, through mobile devices and via social media.
To remain relevant, the ABC has expanded its output on third party platforms, and at times this content may be behind a paywall or feature advertising.
For that reason, the ABC aims to ensure that all its content, in one form or another, continues to be made available free and advertising-free on our own platforms as well.
Subtitling / Dubbing
For urgent, short translations of content spoken in a foreign language or otherwise hard to understand (because of strong accents, incoherence or other reasons) it will sometimes be necessary to dub or voice over comments.
In most other circumstances, however, the ABC will subtitle such comments. This ensures that the tone and emotional content of the original comments are retained as far as possible, and that, where relevant, those who speak the foreign language being used can hear and understand the original comments.
The aim of subtitling is to capture the sense of the comments being subtitled, and to do so as accurately and comprehensively as possible. In practice, subtitling will usually require some summarising due to the limitations of time and space, but it is important to retain the meaning of the original words as accurately as possible.
Where translation from a foreign language is involved, care should also be taken to ensure translation is carried out accurately by an appropriately qualified person.
Translating into languages other than English
The ABC currently provides a range of programming in languages other than English to audiences both in Australia and overseas.
This is limited by our available funding and resources, but recognises the need for some programming to be available to local audiences with limited English and the need to provide access to ABC content to audiences overseas.
Wherever possible, such content is provided with the original English language audio and with added subtitles in the target language.
In addition to the general advice in the section above on subtitling, there are often cultural and historical reasons why audiences in different languages require more or different background and context. This should be kept in mind when providing translation, while always remaining true to the original nature of the material. As far as possible, where significant changes are being contemplated to the material being translated, the changes should be referred back to the original creators of the content for input.
Closed captions
Closed captions are subtitles specifically designed for use by people who are hearing impaired, and are available as an optional overlay on the screen.
The ABC uses experienced, specialist teams to deliver closed captioning, and is bound by legislative requirements on the level of closed captioning required.
In the same way that subtitling aims to accurately capture the meaning of the comments, closed captioning creates summaries of spoken dialogue and narration as accurately and comprehensively as possible.
Wherever possible, captions are prepared in advance to ensure they are accurate. However, live content (particularly breaking news) often needs to be captioned live, and this presents special challenges.
Finally, ACMA (the industry regulator) recommends that if a broadcaster transmits an emergency warning at the request of an emergency service agency on any of its television broadcasting services, the broadcaster must transmit the whole emergency warning in text and speech, and caption the warning where practical.
Sign language
The use of sign language can provide a similar function to closed captioning, providing access for people who are hearing impaired. The ABC is resourced to deliver closed captioning and this remains our most common and preferred approach.
However, in certain circumstances sign language can and will be a useful adjunct. This is most often the case where official sign language interpreters are employed at major news conferences or other events, to provide live information for the hearing impaired.
Generally speaking (and always in the case of the broadcasts of emergency media briefings on such things as major natural disasters or national security incidents) where official sign language interpreters are provided at events broadcast by the ABC, we should aim to keep those interpreters clearly visible on screen during any sequences where audio of comments is being used. This means ensuring that ABC cameras do not zoom in or move in other ways to remove or obscure the interpreters. This should also be kept in mind if such material is subject to later editing.
Children’s content also sometimes features sign language as a way of increasing accessibility for audiences.
When organising our own signing for any ABC events or content, suitably trained and experienced signers should be used. Auslan is the official Australian sign language, and the one preferred by the ABC.
On screen graphics
TV programs and online or mobile video content increasingly use on screen graphics to impart information that is not also covered in narration or interview grabs.
In addition, graphs and charts are also used, containing information that is not read aloud in full detail. This practice poses challenges for vision impaired viewers.
In some cases, there are artistic, editorial or practical reasons why such an approach is taken.
For example, a music program may screen music video clips in full with no opportunity to include additional information as there is no narration. A news story may use a graph to impart information which can be quickly understood in visual form but would take too long to encompass via narration.
Where it is not possible to include audio that fully imparts the information without affecting the editorial or artistic integrity of the content or without imposing impractical conditions, then the integrity of the content should always come first.
However, in many cases it is possible to reduce (if not eliminate) the impact of such techniques in terms of reduced access with a little planning and consideration. The first step is to be aware of the implications of on screen graphics in terms of access for the visually impaired, and consider other approaches where possible.
For example, the key elements of a graph can be described within a script or references can be made in the script of a program which provide some level of information.
Audio description
Audio description, like closed captioning, is a method of providing additional ‘closed’ content to broadcast TV users in the form of an additional audio channel that describes visual elements of content for the people who are blind or vision impaired.
Audio Description now features in a range of programmes across ABC TV. You can turn it on or off as needed by going to the language, audio or accessibility settings of your TV. Browse the ABC’s weekly AD content schedule, or learn more about AD such as where to watch it and how to switch it on or off.
Emergency warnings
Accessibility is particularly important to keep in mind when dealing with emergency warnings. As far as possible, when a broadcaster transmits an emergency warning at the request of an emergency service agency on any of its television broadcasting services, the broadcaster should transmit the whole emergency warning in both text and speech, and caption the warning where practical.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints-handling procedures.
It is expected the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in Guidance Notes must be complied with.
Issued: 1 November 2017, Revised 22 June 2020