Scope of this Guidance Note
This note provides guidance on the management of advertising and sponsorship in ABC Commercial’s stable of print magazines and their associated digital versions. It applies to: ABC Commercial staff working on the ABC’s print magazines and their digital versions; and the ABC’s publishing partners who produce ABC magazine titles under license.
The ABC does not accept advertisements or commercial sponsorships for its domestic television and domestic and international radio services, nor for its digital media services, other than those associated with the ABC international television service. This restriction on advertising and sponsorship in the ABC’s broadcasting services has been in place from the inception of the ABC as the public broadcaster in 1932. Amendments to the ABC Act in 2013 extended this restriction to the ABC’s digital services with certain exceptions.
However, under the Act, the ABC is permitted to augment its funding with advertising and sponsorship in print magazines and the associated digital versions of these magazines. Magazine publishing allows the Corporation to make existing ABC and new editorial material available in new forms to a range of audiences, thereby enhancing the ABC’s services. Magazine publishing cannot be sustained on the cover price alone and requires a level of advertising to ensure the commercial viability of the publication.
Advertisement, advertising
An announcement explicitly designed or calculated to promote an organisation, product or service or promote its use.
Any contribution made by a person or organisation who is not engaged in the production of content or provision of content services, to the financing of the content or content services with a view to promoting their name, trade mark, image, activities, or products.
Excerpts of key editorial standards relevant to this Guidance Note are set out below. Other editorial standards may also be relevant, depending on the specific circumstances applying in each case.Key ABC Editorial Standards
1. Independence, Integrity and Responsibility
1.1 Maintain the independence and integrity of the ABC.
1.2 Exercise ABC editorial control over the content the ABC broadcasts or publishes.
1.3 Ensure that editorial decisions are not improperly influenced by political, sectional, commercial or personal interests.
1.5 Exercise editorial independence as authorised and accept responsibility for it. When in doubt about an editorial matter, refer it up to the next most senior person for advice or decision.
1.6 When any editorial matter, including an editorial matter not being referred up for advice or decision, is likely to cause controversy or have an extraordinary impact, give proper notice of it to the most appropriate senior manager.
11. Advertising and Sponsorship Restrictions
11.2 Do not accept sponsorship for news content or content designed for preschool children.
11.3 Ensure advertising is not broadcast within news content or content designed for preschool children.
11.4 Ensure sponsored content is identified as such and in a manner that informs but does not promote.
11.5 References to a sponsor or a sponsor’s product or service must not be a condition of the sponsorship arrangement. Any sponsorship reference must be editorially justified.
11.6 Ensure advertising is readily distinguishable from editorial content.
11.7 Product placement and other forms of embedded or surreptitious advertising are prohibited. In exceptional cases, the ABC may use content that already contains product placement provided:
a the ABC played no role in the commissioning or production of the content;
b the content has intrinsic editorial value;
c the product placement is not unduly frequent or unduly prominent; and
d the ABC’s editorial independence and integrity are not undermined.
11.8 Do not enter into any advertising or sponsorship arrangement if it would be likely to undermine the ABC’s independence and integrity or could be reasonably perceived to do so.
Advertising and Sponsorship in ABC Magazines
All advertising and sponsorship in ABC Magazines and their digital versions must comply with the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) Code of Ethics and relevant other AANA documents. The object of this Code is:
…to ensure that advertisements and other forms of marketing communications are legal, honest, truthful and have been prepared with respect for human dignity, an obligation to avoid harm to the consumer and society and a sense of fairness and responsibility to competitors.
ABC Magazine staff and publishing partner staff should also be aware of any other advertising and sponsorship regulations or standards which may apply in a particular jurisdiction, as relevant.
The ABC also requires that the following overarching principles must be adhered to regarding the selection of advertising and sponsorship for ABC magazines in both their print and digital versions. In addition to the key editorial standards referred to above, the following are the minimum requirements which will protect the ABC’s reputation and ensure editorial independence at all times. Further specific conditions are established also in the following sections.
- Advertisements must be legal and not be misleading or deceptive.
- Advertisements must not gratuitously offend.
- Advertisements should be suitable for the target audience of the program or content.
- The ABC must maintain editorial control over all its editorial content.
- Entering into advertising or sponsorship arrangements must not affect decisions about editorial content.
- The nature of any commercial relationship must be transparent and clear to the audience or reader.
- Advertising and sponsorship should not give the impression of ABC endorsement.
- Advertising must be clearly distinguished from editorial content.
- The ABC name, logo or trademark should not be used by commercial advertisers or sponsors except in joint promotions or activities and as approved under the relevant corporate policy on brand and identity and logo use.
- No advertising or sponsorship arrangements may be entered into that are likely to adversely affect the independence, impartiality and integrity of the ABC.
- No advertising or sponsorship will be entered into that could lead to a perception that the ABC supports any political or religious body, organisation or lobby group.
- Advertisements or sponsorship must not be accepted in the following categories: gambling, tobacco products, firearms and fire arm clubs, escort agencies, adult products and pornography.
- Advertisements or sponsorship must not be accepted for pay per minute/pay per call services.
- Advertisements and sponsorship messages that promote or comment on controversial matters will not be accepted.
- Advertising of alcohol or sponsorship by alcohol brands requires close consideration both in terms of adherence to local laws, target audience of the publication, style of the advertisement and cultural sensitivity.
- Any advertising by and for governments and government agencies must be handled carefully to ensure the ABC’s impartiality is protected. Advertisements may be accepted if they are non-political and non-partisan in character. Advertisements and sponsorship messages that promote or comment on matters of political, religious or socially controversial matters will not be accepted.
Considerations specific to advertising in ABC Magazines and their digital versions
Amount of advertising
The level of advertising for each publication and associated electronic version will be determined by ABC Commercial, the originating content division, and the publisher. Levels will not exceed the industry standard. Contracts for the publication of licensed magazines and associated electronic versions may include restrictions on the level of advertising.
The ABC must have full control over the selection of advertising. Editorial must be selected independently of the advertising included in the publication. Advertising must not be accepted where it may influence content. Editorial in exchange for advertising dollars is not permissible.
Appearance of advertisement
Advertising material must be clearly differentiated from editorial content. Advertorials must be marked as such, or as advertising features.
Placement of advertisements
If an editorial mention is made of an advertiser’s product, the advertisement should be placed a reasonable distance of at least four pages away from the editorial mention to alleviate any perception that the advertising may have influenced editorial content.
Free advertisements
Free advertising cannot be offered where it will raise questions about the ABC’s impartiality or independence. No free advertising will be given to charities or political parties to avoid the perception of bias or preferential treatment.
Charities and Political Parties
Any advertising for charities, foundations and political parties must be handled carefully. Advertising may be acceptable if it does not contain political lobbying and if it does not raise questions about the ABC’s integrity or impartiality.
All advertising artwork must be submitted for approval to ABC Magazines department in ABC Commercial.
Considerations specific to sponsorship in ABC Magazines and their digital versions
This element of this Guidance Note relates to sponsorship through a formal arrangement for which the sponsor will receive promotion of their name, trade mark, image, activities or products. Sponsorship should be considered separately to third party offers of free and discounted products, services or facilities to support the creation of content that have been legitimately accepted under editorial standard 13.5 and acknowledged, disclosed and or credited as per editorial standard 13.6 and 13.7. For further guidance, see the Guidance Note on Free or discounted products, services or facilities.
Amount of Sponsorship
The level of sponsorship for each publication and associated electronic version will be determined in consultation with ABC Commercial, the originating content division and the publisher. Contracts for the publication of licensed magazines and associated electronic versions may include restrictions on the level of sponsorship.
The ABC must have full control over the selection of sponsorships. Editorial must be selected independently of the sponsorship of the publication. Sponsorship must not be accepted where it may influence or be seen to be influencing content. Editorial in exchange for sponsorship dollars is not permissible.
Appearance of sponsorship
Sponsorship credits must be clearly differentiated from editorial content.
Placement of sponsorship
Any editorial mention of sponsor’s product must be editorially justified and located a sufficient distance away from the sponsor’s logo or sponsorship credit. If they had sponsored the whole magazine then it would generally be recommended that no mention is made of them in the editorial content except to provide an explanation of, or credit for, the sponsorship.
Charities and political parties
Any sponsorship offers from charities, or foundations should be carefully considered. Sponsorship may be acceptable if it does not imply support for political lobbying and if it does not raise questions about the ABC’s integrity or impartiality. Sponsorship from political parties will not be accepted.
All sponsorship artwork must be submitted for approval to ABC Magazines department in ABC Commercial.
Consultations between ABC Commercial and the relevant output division
Where ABC Commercial’s titles have an association through brand or content with a particular output team, ABC Commercial will consult with that team in the development and ongoing management of the magazine.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards.
Issued: 26 February 2019