This Guidance Note covers the practice of paying talent for the right (often exclusive) to publish or broadcast topical or newsworthy information.
This includes payment for interviews, payment for information, and payment for access to places or people that would otherwise not be available to us.
It does not cover the routine, legitimate purchase of content by the ABC in accordance with normal program guidelines.
Key Editorial Standards
Excerpts of key editorial standards relevant to this Guidance Note are set out below.
Other editorial standards may also be relevant, depending on the specific circumstances applying in each case.
1 Independence, integrity and responsibility
1.1 Maintain the independence and integrity of the ABC.
1.2 Exercise ABC editorial control over the content the ABC broadcasts or publishes.
1.3 Ensure that editorial decisions are not improperly influenced by political, sectional, commercial or personal interests.
The ABC does not, as a matter of principle, offer payments (whether cash or otherwise) or enter into financial competition with other media for access to news items or stories, a practice commonly known as “chequebook journalism”.
This position is based on the ABC’s standards of maintaining independence and integrity, and ensuring that editorial decisions (and editorial content) are not improperly influenced by commercial or other interests.
If stories are provided to media outlets in return for payment, there are significant risks that the material or access provided would be unreliable or unduly influenced by financial considerations.
Paying guests, commentators, etc.
The ABC does not pay talent or the subject of stories for interviews in order to obtain a story, and it does not make payments in order to secure exclusivity.
The ABC also does not offer any indemnities to the interviewee or promises of legal support or assistance if what they may say becomes the subject of legal action.
Broadly speaking, there are only two situations where it is appropriate to pay people who participate in ABC news, current affairs and other topical or factual content:
- 1.paying reasonable expenses for an interviewee whose contribution has required research, travel, a substantial commitment of time or other inconvenience, provided that payment is modest and commensurate with the actual expense incurred;
- 2.paying specialist or expert commentators for their contribution, where they are commenting on their field of expertise, or where their job or primary source of income involves providing opinion, analysis or expert comment in their field.
In relation to paying reasonable expenses or paying for expert comment, please contact your divisional policy representatives for any specific divisional guidelines or advice that may be in place, including guides on the amount paid and methods of payment.
Paying for user-generated actuality
Increasingly, amateur or user-generated pictures, video and audio may be available of news events, produced by witnesses and bystanders.
This content needs to be considered carefully and assessed as to its veracity and reliability. However, if the material is considered worthwhile, the ABC can consider paying a modest and appropriate amount for such amateur material in the same way that professional stringers and camera operators are paid for coverage of a newsworthy event.
Various ABC Divisions have more specific guidance on the amounts to be paid and the factors to consider in determining an appropriate payment, taking into account quality, newsworthiness, exclusivity, etc. Whenever payment is made for amateur video or other content, this should be upwardly referred to your line manager.
Finally, if someone is paid for the provision of amateur or user-generated content and then also interviewed as part of the coverage (for example, because they are an eyewitness of a significant breaking story), then:
- payment may be made in return for the actual interview; and
- 2.the fact that the person has been separately paid in return for the provision of content must be disclosed to the audience.
Legitimate payments
From time to time, legitimate and transparent payments need to be made in order to gain access to otherwise restricted places in order to provide news or current affairs content.
These could include filming fees in various locations, access to buildings, associated costs of security, etc. These are legitimate expenses in the normal course of business, and the ABC pays them.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the guidance notes relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints-handling procedures.
It is expected that the advice contained in guidance notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in guidance notes must be complied with.
Issued: 21 May 2014