Scope of this guidance note
This guidance note relates to credits included in or alongside ABC content. The style and form of credits differs across platforms and genres, so some of the guidelines are specific to particular categories of credits (such as opening and closing credits on television and iview), but the key principles apply across the board.
Most of the guidelines only apply to content we produce or commission ourselves. Different rules apply to credits in acquired content, as outlined under ‘Acquisitions’ below.
The guidelines do not apply to alternate non-ABC versions (such as those for theatrical release or international distribution) of ABC-commissioned programs.
Key Editorial Standards
12.1 References to trade names, brand names, and logos may be made provided that:
a the references are editorially relevant in the context; and
b the ABC’s editorial independence or integrity is not undermined.
12.2 Commercial references must not be unduly frequent or unduly prominent.
13.6 Any credits acknowledging creative, managerial and financial contributions must be editorially justified and not unduly prominent.
13.7 Ensure appropriate disclosure of any external funding arrangement, and any acceptance of free or discounted products, services or facilities, where the arrangement or acceptance, if it were not disclosed but later became public, may reasonably be perceived to distort the editorial content or otherwise undermine the ABC’s independence or integrity.
Key principles
- The role of credits is to acknowledge significant creative, managerial and financial contributors to content as well as those who have given other special assistance.
- Ensuring the ABC’s independence and integrity is paramount. Credits or acknowledgements must not be given in return for any payment, reduced fee, benefit or any other advantage.
- The ABC will not broadcast any credit which appears to be an advertisement or contains elements which could damage the reputation, independence or integrity of the content or the ABC.
- Credits or some form of disclosure must always be used where the audience’s interpretation of the content being presented might be altered without the proper acknowledgement of a creative, financial or other contribution.
- The ABC generally adheres to standard industry crediting practices, but will depart from these when necessary in order to meet our obligations to protect independence and integrity and avoid unduly frequent or prominent commercial references.
- As much as possible, we aim for consistency in our approach to credits. We are guided by precedent, any relevant contractual obligations, and the guidelines in this note.
- In broadcast content, it is generally permissible to run end credits in an abridged form and direct the audience to a full credit listing online.
News and current affairs content
Daily and rolling news programs generally do not run credits. Daily current affairs programs may acknowledge the program team at the end of the final program for the week. Weekly current affairs programs may run credits for the program team.
Credits are used less frequently on radio than other platforms, as verbal credits can give greater prominence than intended or warranted, compared to text credits on television or online.
Credits for creative contributions from freelancers, guest presenters, artists and speakers are generally part of regular radio presentation practice and incorporated within introductions and back announcements. Credits for individual staff should be used thoughtfully and sparingly, if at all.
Podcast crediting practices have developed over time and will continue to evolve as we explore new podcast co-production and funding models. From time to time the Podcast Commissioning Executive will review and update these practices.
Each episode should include appropriate credits in the introduction and/or at the end according to the key principles set out above. These audio credits will be consistent across each episode in the same series. End credits may be kept brief so that the listener is not discouraged from continuing to the next episode in a series, and further credits may be placed on the accompanying webpage.
There is a standard visual format for an ABC podcast tile. Tiles feature the title of the podcast and a visual identity unique to the podcast, with the ABC wave logo generally in the top left-hand corner. No other external co-producer’s logo should be placed on that tile for the purposes of credits unless that co-producer has contributed 50% or more of resources to the podcast production. For any co-producer contribution less than 50%, the co-producer would be credited with a text reference in the episode description.
Where the ABC is licensing content from an umbrella organisation to publish as an ABC-branded podcast, the organisation will receive an audio and website credit. Individual producers will not be credited but a link may be provided on the ABC podcast episode webpage to the relevant story page which credits the producer.
Podcast co-production arrangements must be disclosed so the audience is made aware of the nature of the content and who is involved in producing and funding it. These disclosures would generally be made in each episode’s introduction and end credits, in the podcast description text, and on the accompanying webpage.
Logo credits
Logo credits are a recognised form of acknowledgement in the screen industry, but their inclusion on the ABC is highly restricted. Approvals are only given for the following:
- the ABC;
- co-production partners (including other broadcasters) and independent production companies;
- appropriate cultural agencies (which may include federal and state film funding agencies, federal or state arts funding agencies or statutory authorities);
- non-profit organisations whose core business is the creation of Australian screen content; and
- official event logos (that is, the logo of the event itself, not the logo of the organisation staging, managing or promoting it) in circumstances where the ABC is the official broadcaster of the event.
Producer offset lenders and other businesses that simply provide services to productions at market rates are ineligible for logo credits. Distributors, charities and philanthropic foundations are also ineligible, apart from those which fall into one of the categories listed above (e.g. the Australian Children’s Television Foundation is a distributor and the Documentary Australia Foundation is a philanthropic foundation, but they are both also organisations whose core business is the creation of Australian screen content).
Logos which also function to promote or advertise a product or service or form part of an advertising campaign will not be approved. Examples include Lotterywest (which also operates a screen industry fund) and state government tourism logos.
In isolation, state and federal government logos can imply undue editorial involvement or control. Therefore they are only permitted in the context of official co-badged logos, e.g. the Screen Australia logo which includes the Australian Government logo.
An ABC logo must be included in all production credits where a co-production or independent production company’s logo is included. Production company logos should not be more prominent than the ABC logo. Animated logos are generally not permitted as they tend to be unduly prominent. In rare cases where an animated logo is accepted, the ABC logo should be animated too. Logos with audio components are not permitted.
Third party logo credits can appear in end credits or on websites. They should not appear in opening credits.
Disclosing funding arrangements
To ensure consistency and transparency, the following suggested wording should be used to disclose external funding sources:
- Private funders, producer offset lenders, non-film government authorities, charities, foundations: ‘Financed with the assistance of [insert funder].’
- Third party funders who have contributed to the funding provided by a government authority: ‘[Insert government authority] acknowledges the financial assistance of [insert third party funder].’
- Distributors who have contributed to production funding: ‘Distributed by [insert distributor].’
- Philanthropic funding via a body such as the Documentary Australia Foundation or Creative Partnerships Australia: ‘Film financed with philanthropic funds via [insert funding body].’
- Crowd sourced funding: ‘Film financed with philanthropic funds via a crowd funding campaign.’
In scenarios involving donations channelled through philanthropic funding bodies or crowd funding campaigns, individual donors are not named in the credits unless we are obliged to do so for the sake of transparency (see standard 13.7).
It is advisable to take particular care with the wording used in credits for government funding sources. To illustrate: an opening credit stating ‘The ACT Government presents…’ could create the perception of governmental involvement in commissioning or editorial decisions, whereas a similar credit stating ‘Screen ACT presents…’ is far less likely to do so.
Disclosing free or discounted products, services and facilities
Arrangements involving free or discounted products, services or facilities (subject to the approval processes set out here) must always be transparently disclosed to the audience. This applies to television, radio, podcasts and other digital contexts.
These credits cannot be offered to a commercial organisation as a negotiation point, i.e. in exchange for the provision of free or discounted products, services or facilities. We disclose these arrangements in order to be transparent with our audience, not as a means of thanking or promoting suppliers.
The suggested wording for television end credits is as follows:
- ‘[Insert production company or ‘The ABC’] acknowledges the free / discounted supply of [insert product or service] by [insert supplier].’
- ‘[Insert production company or ‘The ABC’] acknowledges free or discounted products and services from the following suppliers: [list of suppliers].’
In audio content, these disclosures may be more conversational in style.
Thank you credits
Thank you credits are given to those who have given ‘other (i.e. non-financial) special assistance’ to a production and are to be approved by the relevant editorial manager.
Thank you credits for individuals, governments, charities or not for profit organisations are generally acceptable as long as there are valid reasons for thanking them. Stronger reasons are required to thank commercial organisations.
In some instances, an editorial manager may decide that an organisation or individual has provided high-level assistance to a production without which the content could not have been made. In these special circumstances, the credit ‘Filmed/recorded with the assistance of…’ may be used.
Thank you credits should not be given to external funders or suppliers of free or discounted products, services or facilities.
Other text credits
Location text credits stating where content was filmed, recorded or post-produced, such as ‘Filmed in WA’, are acceptable.
References to specific film funds, such as Create NSW’s Regional Film Fund, are acceptable but should not be unduly prominent.
Credits acknowledging that content is based on a particular book are acceptable. The author should be named; the publisher should not.
Generally, Executive Producer credits are reserved for people who carry out editorial roles on productions. If someone is merely a financier, with no editorial involvement, they should not be credited as an Executive Producer.
In order to maintain the independence and integrity of our content, community service announcements – including calls to action and contact details for charities and the like – should not be included in credits.
Non-ABC web addresses should only be included if there is strong editorial justification, taking into account the nature and purpose of the website and whether it’s likely to be of interest to the audience. An official program website would usually be acceptable; a production company website would usually not.
Acknowledgement of country
Where practicable and applicable, programs with end credits should include an acknowledgement of the traditional owners and/or nation on which the content was made. The wording can vary; one suggested form of words is ‘Produced and filmed on the traditional country of the [insert name of language group, people or nation], [insert state/location].’ For example:
- ‘Produced and filmed on the traditional country of the Mununjali and Ugarapul people, South-East Queensland.’
- ‘Produced and filmed on the traditional country of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, NSW.’
Research and consultation may be required in order to accurately identify the relevant Indigenous people or nation to acknowledge. If possible, avoid generic acknowledgements.
Copyright notices
ABC copyright is vested in the Corporation, not in particular production units, genres or state/territory centres. For internal ABC productions, only the following copyright notice should be used: ‘© Australian Broadcasting Corporation’.
For co-productions, the same copyright notice should be used in conjunction with the notices of other copyright holders as per contractual arrangements.
The ABC has only limited ability to alter the content of acquisitions, including credit sequences. We do not apply the specific guidelines above to acquisitions. However, all credits are required to adhere to our Editorial Policies.
We remove any logo credits which constitute unduly prominent commercial references or amount to advertisements. Factors to consider when assessing prominence include size, where the logo is placed (for example, logos before a program are generally removed, as they tend to be very prominent), the use of animation, accompanying audio, repetition (for example, a company’s logo may appear multiple times – once as producer, once as distributor, etc.) and duration.
Text credits are generally retained, apart from any web addresses which are irrelevant or inappropriate.
Standard practice is to conclude the end credits after the copyright notice. Credits placed after the copyright notice will only be retained if there is strong justification.
Status of Guidance Note
This guidance note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the guidance note relates. Guidance notes provide advice to assist in the interpretation of the Editorial Policies, which contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected that staff will normally act in accordance with the advice contained in guidance notes. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in guidance notes must be complied with.
Issued: 11 April 2011, Revised: 30 April 2020