This Guidance Note is provided to assist staff involved in the reporting, discussion or depiction of trauma. It includes advice on dealing with victims, survivors, relatives of victims and witnesses of crime, accidents and natural disasters.
It should be read in conjunction with the guidance notes on reporting domestic violence and terrorism.
It relates to all factual ABC content. This note does not address the portrayal of violence or trauma in fictional or comedic content.
Reporting trauma in all its manifestations is an essential part of news and current affairs reporting as well as non-news features and discussions across all ABC platforms.
Increasing understanding of the causes of trauma and recovery from trauma in society is a crucial part of the ABC’s role.
In doing so, avoiding the exacerbation of harm and distress, and hopefully, contributing to healing, are fundamental responsibilities.
Intrusions into the grief and privacy of individuals must always be done with sensitivity and care and be in the public interest.
The public interest of a story as a whole is not sufficient to justify all intrusions into people’s privacy without consent; each detail revealed must be editorially justified.
There are also legal restrictions in place to protect certain vulnerable people, including parties to domestic violence proceedings and sexual offence victims. Advice should be sought from ABC Legal.
Relevant editorial policies
In addition to the editorial requirements relating to independence, accuracy, impartiality and harm and offence, several editorial policies are relevant in reporting trauma. They include:
6.1: Intrusion into a person’s private life without consent must be justified in the public interest and the extent of the intrusion must be limited to what is proportionate in the circumstances.
7.5: The reporting or depiction of violence, tragedy or trauma must be handled with extreme sensitivity. Avoid causing undue distress to victims, witnesses or bereaved relatives.
8.1: Take due care over the dignity and physical and emotional welfare of children and young people who are involved in making, participating in and presenting content produced or commissioned by the ABC.
Our role in avoiding harm
In the production and publication of every piece of content we aim to avoid harm and avoidable distress to survivors, their friends and families, witnesses, the audience and ABC workers.
That responsibility extends throughout the whole production process and includes the final presentation and distribution of the story or interview.
All stories and other content should:
- portray victims of violence and other trauma with accuracy and sensitivity;
- avoid sensationalism, melodrama, and portrayal of victims as tragic or pathetic; and
- emphasize the experience of victims rather than perpetrators.
Your role doesn’t necessarily end when the story is finished. Best practice includes helping to ensure, as much as is practicable, that interviewees are supported after broadcast. That may require checking back later to talk through the aftermath of the broadcast or assisting people to get in touch with support services.
Editorial independence and control
Retaining editorial control is a fundamental requirement of ABC content-makers. However, giving survivors a sense of control and agency over their stories helps avoid them being re-traumatised by media coverage.
Resolving these conflicting principles can require careful negotiation.
Interviewees do not have veto power over the final form of stories, but they are entitled to know the context in which their story is told, to negotiate questions that are off-limits, and in some circumstances to review interviews.
However, agreements to out-of-bounds questions may have significant legal and editorial consequences. Upwardly refer off-limit questions and seek advice from ABC Legal before making any commitment.
Participants should only be allowed to review content under exceptional circumstances and any agreement to allow review must be upwardly referred before the interview is conducted. Ensure participants who review content understand the ABC retains editorial control and the review process is not an opportunity to demand changes.
Vulnerable interviewees should also be told if alternative or challenging perspectives are being sought in the story.
Vulnerable interviewees in this context includes survivors of crime, abuse, disaster, accident or other traumatic event and their close relatives.
Accuracy and personal narratives
Accuracy is the most fundamental requirement of all factual content.
All reasonable efforts should be made to fact check stories before publication.
Where crime, including domestic violence or sexual abuse are involved there are often conflicting and unresolved conflicts of perspectives. Corroboration can be difficult and the natural tendency to empathise with victims can lead to less scrutiny and scepticism, particularly in cases of domestic violence and forms of abuse.
Do not uncritically accept survivor stories and assume they are accurate.
Where stories relate to matters that have come before a court, they may be fact-checked against court reports including uncontested facts, charges, evidence or judgements and police records of interview. You should always remain mindful of the possibility of suppression orders and statutory restrictions and seek the advice of ABC Legal.
Reasonable efforts should always be made to give a right of reply to people and organisations against whom allegations are made.
Consider the potential for defamation and be aware that not naming alleged perpetrators may not be sufficient to avoid identification of perpetrators or their partners and children. Seek the advice of ABC Legal where stories potentially give rise to defamation risks.
Interviewing survivors
The initial approach to traumatised or potentially traumatised people is never easy and there is no one, simple way of doing it.
Avoid ‘cold-calling’ if possible and use intermediaries if they are available.
Traumatised people should never be pressured or harassed to give interviews.
In the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster or terror attack, some people will instinctively want to talk while others will avoid any discussion of what has happened. It is important to respect people’s wishes. There is no evidence that freely given, sensitively conducted interviews do any harm in these circumstances. However, aggressive or persistent persuasion can exacerbate distress and trauma.
After time has passed or where the cause of trauma is more personal – domestic violence, sexual assaults, for instance – it is crucial to allow time for the development of trust and fully-informed consent.
Lorna Knowles from ABC Investigations has interviewed scores of sexual assault survivors in her reporting of the #MeToo movement and recently on the experiences of rape victims with police. She says:
“Whenever I’m approaching a victim of trauma, I try to put myself in their shoes and treat them the way I’d like to be treated. Be sensitive and respectful, be honest about what you want from them and do your research. Don’t gloss over the potential consequences of speaking publicly.”
Remember too that there may be suppression orders and statutory restrictions in identifying survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, so you may need more than the survivor’s consent; you may also need the consent of the court or an order lifting or varying a suppression order. Seek advice from ABC Legal.
Michael Rowland has decades of experience covering natural disasters both overseas as a foreign correspondent and in Australia, most recently in the 2019/20 bushfires.
“People react to trauma in different ways and this flows to the way they deal with inquisitive journalists. I always try and start a conversation with them, well away from the microphone and camera. Obviously, you say who you are up front and ask how they are going. Nine times out of ten, they will engage. If they don’t want to talk, always respect their wishes, but, also, always ask if you can get their contact details if they change their mind later in the day/week. If they are open to a chat, don’t immediately barge in with an interview request. Making them feel more comfortable with you, and more comfortable recounting their trauma will lead to a better interview.”
Consent and withdrawal of consent
Part of your responsibility is to ensure that interviewees understand the potential consequences of being interviewed. That includes explaining where the interview will be broadcast or published and anticipating the potential impact of social media among the person’s work, family and social networks.
Clear, freely given and fully informed consent is crucial. It is the best protection against harming participants and against withdrawal of consent.
Take contemporaneous notes of all discussions concerning consent and of any conditions that interviewees apply to their consent.
Requests to withdraw consent prior to broadcast or publication should only be agreed if there is genuine reason to believe a person is vulnerable or likely to be re-traumatised by publication.
Agreements to withdraw consent must be upwardly referred.
Survivors of trauma may request anonymity for a variety of reasons. Anonymisation is never desirable but there are circumstances where it is justified.
The most common reasons are safety of the interviewee and legal risks.
If anonymised interviewees are making allegations, for instance against a former partner, efforts to corroborate details and ensure accuracy are still required. There can also be legal implications for granting anonymity.
Any decision to provide anonymity in these circumstances must be upwardly referred and discussed with ABC Legal.
It is important to note that complete anonymity is very difficult to achieve when making specific allegations against another person, particularly in domestic and family violence cases. Other details included in your story may allow anonymised interviewees to be identified. Consider carefully whether it is appropriate to include photographs or details of a person’s life which aid with identification (for example, where they live).
Interviews with traumatised children – any person under 18 years of age – should always be conducted with extreme care. The Dart Center has tips here, which are well worth reading before conducting interviews with children.
Consent from parents or guardians is generally necessary but not always sufficient before conducting interviews. You should not assume parents and guardians always fully understand what is in the best interests of their children.
You should ensure that to the greatest extent possible children understand the consequences of the interview and independently consent to participate. If children are receiving care from counsellors or mental health professionals seek their advice.
It is also good practice to seek advice from senior colleagues and editorial policy advisors in difficult cases.
Ultimately, you must come to your own conclusion, based on advice, and take responsibility for the decision.
Further guidance on including children in ABC content can be found here.
Privacy and the portrayal of trauma
There are occasions where traumatic events are legitimately broadcast or described without the consent of those affected.
Consent should always be sought if possible but in many situations, such as natural disasters, accidents, terror attacks and crime reporting it is not practicable.
Extreme care must be taken to ensure that details or images are editorially relevant and necessary and that the level of exposure is proportionate to the public interest.
Portrayals of grief, physical mutilation and the detailed descriptions of crimes, particularly sexual assault, should always be used judiciously and only where they demonstrably add important information that contributes directly to the audience’s understanding of the story and its public interest. Carefully consider whether other victims may be identifiable through the details disclosed, whether this can be avoided or whether consent should also be sought from them. Bear in mind the requirements to avoid causing undue distress and to handle reporting with extreme sensitivity.
Extra care should be taken when it is likely that the story will be seen or heard in the victim’s community or by their family.
Violence and survivor stories may also distress audiences. Carefully consider whether warnings may be required when reporting or re-telling stories of trauma.
Reporting traumatic and violent events can traumatise staff. Exposure to even one traumatic event can have long term impacts on journalists, crews, editors and other staff. Repeated exposure exposes staff to a high risk of vicarious trauma. Everyone is susceptible.
It is vital to take care of yourself and look out for your colleagues. The ABC’s Trauma and Resilience Program is available to all staff, see the ABC staff intranet for more information.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards.
Issued: 4 June 2020