Introduction and purpose
As a public broadcaster, the ABC must balance its statutory duty to ensure that the presentation of news and information is impartial (according to the recognised standards of objective journalism) with the Charter obligation to entertain and educate. In meeting these objectives, the ABC publishes a broad and engaging mix of fact, opinion and analysis every day, sometimes within the one piece of content. This complexity results in rich programming, but can also risk confusion around our purpose, both among audiences and staff.
It is therefore essential, in order to protect our integrity and maintain faith with our audiences, that we are always able to differentiate between modes of information. This note has been written to help with understanding and managing these crucial distinctions between various kinds of content by:
- Providing definitions of opinion, factual and analytic content and guidance on distinguishing between them;
- Providing commissioning advice for those managing same;
- Answering the question of when it is appropriate for ABC staff to put personal opinions into the public sphere and when it is not.
This guidance note must be read by:
- ABC staff working on news and current affairs content (whether in News or other divisions).
- ABC staff working on other factual content on radio, television and online.
- ABC staff designated as ‘specialists’ – a category including content specialists such as those employed by Radio National, and presenters and reporters experienced in specialist rounds, including politics and current affairs.
- Any ABC staff invited to participate in panel discussion programs or to write personal columns, for either ABC or external platforms.
- Managers of programs or websites commissioning opinion and analytic content, whether from ABC employees or external contributors.
Key Editorial Standards
Excerpts of key editorial standards relevant to this Guidance Note are set out below. Other editorial standards may also be relevant, depending on the specific circumstances applying in each case.
1 Independence, integrity and responsibility
1.1 Maintain the independence and integrity of the ABC.
1.3 Ensure that editorial decisions are not improperly influenced by political, sectional, commercial or personal interests.
4 Impartiality and diversity of perspectives
4.1 Gather and present news and information with due impartiality.
4.2 Present a diversity of perspectives within a reasonable timeframe, aiming to reach a similar audience, so that no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented.
4.3 Take care in the presentation of analysis and commentary. Do not present them as the editorial opinion of the ABC.
Mandatory referrals
Please note that any invitation to a member of ABC staff to appear on an ABC panel discussion program, as talent for other ABC content or as the author of an article for an ABC website must be upwardly referred to an appropriately senior editorial manager designated for that task in your Division. Similar requests from external organisations are managed under the outside work approval process.
Regular ‘stenographic’ news reporting is primarily designed to relay facts to an audience. Quality contemporary journalism, such as that practised at the ABC, is built on a model in which reporters go into the field to bear objective witness, cultivate well-placed sources and use careful methods of cross-checking and verification prior to publication.
Analysis (or professional judgement)
The primary purpose of analysis (including live commentary) is to aid understanding and provide richer context and information, rather than to pass judgement or sway opinion. Analytic content attempts to offer the audience a
deeper understanding of an issue, often through detailed examination of the facts and by making connections between them which may not be immediately apparent. This includes providing context and background against which current events can be better understood.
Opinion content is based on the particular views and perspectives of the identified person or group expressing it. Whether stand-alone programming or a clearly signposted contribution to a broader piece of content, opinion can be based on personal preferences, sectional or commercial interests or a wide range of other factors. It is simply a means for expressing a view.
Opinion content must be carefully managed and a proper diversity of views made available to our audiences, but that content in itself does not need to be impartial – it represents the ‘partial’ view of the person or group expressing it.
Factual and analytic content however, is at all times governed by our requirements for accuracy and impartiality and must be informed by the weight of evidence.
The ABC’s Impartiality Standards and the associated Guidance Note are key to understanding the crucial distinction between factual reporting and evidence-based analysis on the one hand, and opinion content on the other. A useful discussion of issues around ‘weight of evidence’ can also be found within the Impartiality Guidance Note. Links to these documents can be found at the end of this note.
Exploring the differences
Most content makers will produce stories providing necessary context, background and analysis to audiences in the course of their regular work.
In addition, there are many roles in the ABC where people have either been hired for their specialist knowledge of a subject area or have been encouraged to develop expertise in a particular round. These people will often draw upon immediate evidence and long experience to provide a combination of reportage and professional judgement or analysis within their stories. Examples of this might include:
- An experienced political reporter describing a development as ‘surprising’, based on years of observing parliamentary process.
- An experienced sports commentator questioning a team selection or proposed changes to the rules of a code.
- A health reporter expressing some scepticism at the claimed results of a clinical trial.
All of this content should be impartial, based on demonstrable evidence and professional experience and judgement. Even specialists should stop short of prescriptive conclusions or overt advocacy of one position over another.
The one exception here is for the relatively small number of people whom we employ as reviewers, most often for film or for books. While their judgements will be based on knowledge and experience, and their considerations expected to be fair, they are, when all is said and done, employed to offer an audience their honestly held opinion.
Setting reviews aside, an item would typically be categorised as analysis rather than opinion if:
- The presenter/reporter/author possesses special knowledge, skill, training, or experience, or longstanding professional engagement with the same or similar subject matter.
- It is clearly based around demonstrable facts and evidence.
- It is clearly intended to assist with understanding an issue rather than debating it, or prosecuting one particular side of a case.
- The presenter/reporter/author has actively sought and included an appropriate range of relevant content, not just that which might support one particular conclusion. Analysis can, however, include observations justified by the weight of evidence.
- The language is more descriptive than judgemental and the tone is explanatory and reasoned. It should indicate awareness of complexity, rather than instructing with an air of certainty.
Analytic material does not always have to be ‘signposted’ as such, as it may often be blended with general reportage. But where sensible, means of indicating to the audience that this is a distinct category of content should be considered.
Specialist staff face another challenge in the multiplatform ecosphere – when they are asked to appear on panel discussion programs. Even in this situation, they must be careful to stay on the right side of analysis and not tip over into advocacy or opinion, and even more careful should a panel conversation stray into sundry other topics beyond their recognised area of interest. ABC staff responsible for producing and presenting programming where this risk might arise should also be careful not to place their colleagues in a difficult position.
ABC content is greatly enhanced when it includes the diverse beliefs and arguments of individual citizens, groups or organisations across its output. This happens daily through radio talkback and online comments, but also through the contributions of academics, specialists and other professionals to our information programming and the inclusion of arguments from partisan campaigners within news and other stories. It is important that the widest possible range of views and voices are sought, in order that we better reflect the community and that fresh and original perspectives are available to audiences.
When managing the opinions of external talent on ABC platforms within regular programming, such as news items and radio interviews, you will often be aware of an interviewee’s views in advance and can plan to balance them with those of other guests – either within the same item or within a reasonable period of time. However, sometimes you will be surprised by what is said and will be required to review the unexpected answer or encounter after the event. The impartiality principles will help you decide whether some balancing material should then be sought, depending on factors including the length and tone of the contentious passage and the degree of controversy around the subject matter.
These same considerations apply to talkback radio and other platforms involving audience participation. If the tide is running too much in one direction, a presenter should look to provide balance by actively calling out for contrary views or by introducing them into the discussion. The ABC also broadcasts some programs in which guests with strong opinions, often to the point of vigorous advocacy, are very deliberately sought. These include
The Drum, Counterpoint and Q&A. Individual contributors to these programs are not required to be impartial, although the programs themselves are required to seek and include a genuine diversity of perspectives and opinion over time.
This balance over time is equally necessary for articles commissioned for The Drum website and for specialist portals and should be thoughtfully managed. Such sites carry a mix of content, including that based fairly and squarely on personal opinion and belief. Even within this content though, contributors can often improve the quality and nature of public debate by drawing on evidence and fact-based analysis, by a genuine intention to stimulate discussion and by refraining from misrepresentation or demonisation of others.
Is there any other room for opinion from ABC staff?
We have already discussed those limited situations where certain ABC staff can provide opinion in the form of ‘reviews’ as part of their role.
Beyond that, ABC ‘generalists’ (such as local radio presenters) are often unsure as to whether they are ‘allowed’ to express any opinions at all whether on an ABC platform or their own social media account. There is no blanket prohibition, but a strong requirement for commonsense and mature judgement. Our Personal Use of Social Media Guidelines contain detailed advice on this matter, but in essence, ask yourself these pertinent questions before you set forth:
- Is the topic under discussion particularly contentious?
- Is it an issue which fits naturally within my program brief?
- Would a comment on this topic at this time materially affect my ability to do my job effectively?
If, after that, you feel it’s fine to express your personal thoughts, try to do it in a way which makes it clear that you respect the contrary views of others and are happy to hear from them. This advice would also apply to sports reporters and commentators, who are often attacked by members of the audience for revealing their personal allegiance to one particular team. It is perfectly alright to do so, as long as your commentary remains professional at all times.
There is, of course, particular sensitivity for ABC staff working in news and current affairs, where the need to demonstrate impartiality and independence on all newsworthy and topical issues means it is almost always inappropriate to offer opinion on such matters.
You can read a handy guide here.
One of the hallmarks of the ABC is its independence and impartiality as a media organisation.
It is fundamentally important that the ABC’S content is not improperly influenced by political, sectional, commercial or personal interests.
By following the guidance here, and by upwardly referring to line managers when in doubt, ABC content makers can deliver rich, compelling and engaging content without putting those principles at risk.
Related standards and guidance
This guidance note should be read in conjunction with Section 1 Independence, integrity and responsibility and Section 4 Impartiality and diversity of perspectives of the Principles and Standards and the guidance note on Impartiality.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates.
Guidance notes provide advice to assist in the interpretation of the Editorial Policies, which contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected that staff will normally act in accordance with the advice contained in Guidance Notes. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in Guidance Notes must be complied with.
Issued: 11 April 2011, Revised 13 December 2023