- 1.
Survivors’ interests first
Ensure you do not jeopardise safety, do not re-traumatise victims, and are extremely sensitive to privacy. Be respectful to survivors and their families at all times.
- 2.
Name it, and remember: domestic violence is a crime
Avoid euphemism – use clear language that names the abuse for what it is.
- 3.
Use active language that doesn’t reduce the severity of the offence
For instance, ‘man assaults wife’ instead of ‘woman assaulted.’
- 4.
Be accurate
Accuracy requires context and evidence. Consult experts and tell the whole story (if you can).
- 5.
Use appropriate imagery
Don’t perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Avoid cliched images that disempower victim-survivors, such as ‘clenched fists’ or ‘cowering women’.
- 6.
Consider legal and editorial issues early
Consult ABC Legal, Editorial policies advisors and upwardly refer when in doubt.
- 7.
Include support options
Include support details at the end of every story where practicable.
This Guidance Note is provided to assist staff involved in the reporting or discussion of domestic or family violence.
It relates to coverage of domestic violence and abuse, including coercive control in factual ABC content.
Relevant content is likely to include:
- Coverage of individual instances, patterns and issues related to domestic violence and abuse in factual programming, news and current affairs.
This note does not address the portrayal of domestic violence in fictional content.
Read in conjunction with guidance on:
- Reporting trauma
- Children and Young People
- Harm and offence
- Indigenous content
- Reporting and portraying disability
An important and complex subject
Domestic violence is a serious problem in Australia affecting the physical and mental health of victims. It also causes significant economic harm to individuals, families and society. It is the single biggest preventable contributor to death, disability and illness in women aged 18 to 44 years of age in this country. Domestic and family violence can affect everyone, but barriers to help-seeking, leaving, or safety are compounded by disadvantage and other forms of inequality — including discrimination on the basis of sex or race.
People of all ages, genders, sexual orientations and cultural backgrounds can be affected by domestic violence. For instance, research indicates violence and other abuse against the elderly and transgender people is emerging as a serious concern. However, the most prevalent form of domestic violence and abuse continues to be that inflicted by men on women and children.
While often criminal in nature, domestic violence raises issues beyond law enforcement that require complex healthcare services and broader community engagement. It is therefore important that the media conveys the nature and the significance of the problem accurately.
- What to call it? ‘Domestic Violence’ is the most accepted term for violent incidents. ‘Domestic abuse’ is broader and includes various forms of coercive control and intimidation. Avoid euphemisms like ‘domestic dispute’.
- Language? Use active language that highlights the perpetrator’s agency in the act
- Who to identify? For the perpetrator, this is likely to be a legal issue of defamation or contempt. Respect victims’ wishes on their identification. Generally, avoid identifying children.
- What photos to use? Avoid happy family photos or photos that may glamorise the perpetrator. Prioritise respectful images of victims/survivors in placement and frequency.
- What can I say about the perpetrator? This person is alleged to have committed a serious crime – positive comments by friends and neighbours are irrelevant, misleading and disrespectful to victims. Avoid the “he was a good bloke” comments.
- What if he’s a celebrity? The same applies – prowess as a sportsperson, actor etc is irrelevant and should not be focussed on. Statements of support by friends and fans should be avoided unless directly relevant to the outcome.
- What can I say about the victims/survivors? Be respectful of their wishes and mindful of the potential for re-traumatising victims and distressing their families. Do not include prejudicial information about their background that could constitute victim-blaming.
- What can I say during a trial? You can report a ‘fair, accurate and contemporaneous’ account of the evidence. Do not introduce material that has not been said in court. Do not include any speculation or conclusions about the guilt of the accused. Be aware of suppression orders and other legal restrictions.
- Privacy. Any personal information about victims/survivors is an intrusion into their privacy and must be editorially relevant and justified.
- Safety. Victims’ safety is the highest priority. Avoid any details (e.g. locations) that may endanger them
- Cultural issues. Avoid potentially stigmatising terms like ‘honour killing’ and ‘dowry abuse’ without confirming with knowledgeable community members that they are relevant and accurate.
- Moderating social media. Take extra caution to ensure defamatory or prejudicial posts are removed.
The terms ‘domestic violence’ and ‘abuse’ cover a wide range of situations. It is most often a pattern of behaviours, known generally as coercive control, used by abusers to establish power and control over their victim through fear and intimidation.
It is important to recognise that coercive control is not just a precursor to physical violence but a serious and harmful form of abuse in its own right. Physical and sexual violence are often an aspect of coercive control, which can take many forms:
- Physical violence and intimidation
- Sexual violence
- Degradation and humiliation, such as threatening to expose private photographs
- Controlling friendships and activities, e.g. deleting contacts from their partner’s phone
- Emotional abuse, including insults, manipulation and threats
- Financial abuse, such as controlling access to money
- Stalking or other kinds of harassment
- Spiritual abuse, i.e. preventing someone from religious or spiritual practice
- Inspecting a partner’s home or body for signs of infidelity[1]
Given this wide range of behaviours, it is important to be clear and specific when detailing the nature of individual instances and patterns of abuse when reporting on domestic violence and abuse.
Coercive control is increasingly being recognised in the law as a crime in Australia. Several states have already enacted or have plans to enact legislation criminalising aspects of coercive control, including Tasmania, NSW, Queensland and South Australia. This is a dynamic area of the law, so it is important to ensure references to the legal status of coercive control in your state are checked and up to date.
Gender inequality and attitudes to gender roles are key drivers and enablers of domestic violence and abuse. Drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness and other socio-economic factors may also be significant contributing factors.
Inadequate or inappropriate social services, laws, policing and community attitudes all contribute to the ongoing prevalence of abuse.
It is important to communicate this complexity wherever possible. Do not oversimplify, minimise or trivialise the nature of domestic violence.
Don’t shy away from addressing complex issues, but remember: domestic violence is a matter of public safety and a matter of life and death for some people, so it’s important to not be misleading. You must research the facts, consider the weight of evidence and avoid false balance.
An example is the ‘one in three’ figure which is sometimes quoted to suggest one in three victims of domestic violence are men. This figure, derived from ABS data, can be seriously misleading if not presented in context and with qualification.
There is no single term that is accurate in all situations. You should call it for what it is – domestic, intimate partner, gender-based or family violence/abuse.
‘Domestic violence’ is the most widely used term and generally refers to violence between people who have or have had an intimate relationship.
‘Coercive control’ also generally – but not always – refers to a pattern of behaviour within an intimate partner relationship.
‘Family violence’ encompasses violence among a broader range of family or kinship relationships.
‘Intimate partner violence’ is often used when the perpetrator is in a relationship with the victim but is not necessarily married or co-habiting with the victim.
‘Domestic abuse’ encompasses both violent abuse and other (non-violent but harmful) forms of abuse, including coercive control.
Avoid euphemisms such as ‘domestic dispute’, ‘volatile relationship’, ‘domestic incident’ or ‘domestic conflict’, which may imply that both parties are at fault.
Studies have found that news stories affect perceptions about the culpability of offenders depending on a range of factors. This could include the use of the passive voice instead of active voice, or reporting that implies victims share responsibility for violence.
Generally, use the active voice rather than the passive voice to make clear that violence is something that someone does to another person and does not just happen. For instance:
John hit his wife Jane (active voice)
Jane was assaulted during a domestic dispute (passive voice)
Avoid implying or suggesting that the victim of physical violence is in some way to blame or shares responsibility with the perpetrator. Do not focus on the behaviour or the reputation of the victim that preceded the violence. Always centre on the perpetrator.
It is never appropriate to report on domestic violence in a way that sensationalises or trivialises it.
Legal issues will arise in almost every story you report on family and domestic violence – seek advice early.
Restrictions apply to the reporting of Family Court and Children’s Court cases. The greatest difficulties confronting reporting of domestic violence are often legal. Any questions should be referred to ABC Legal.
In addition, reporting of matters involving civil protections (i.e. Domestic Violence Orders, Apprehended Violence Orders, Protection Orders and Intervention Orders, etc) is usually restricted, although the rules vary from state to state.
You must be aware of the restrictions imposed by the law of contempt when reporting court proceedings, particularly criminal trials. Care must also be taken to enquire as to, and comply with, any non-publication orders made in any particular matter before the courts.
Ordinary due diligence with respect to defamation must also be undertaken.
You can generally report allegations made in court against both the accused and the complainant if you are making a “fair accurate and contemporaneous account of proceedings”. (For more information, see legal tip sheets on the ABC intranet.)
In practice, this means you are restricted to accurately reporting what has been said in court. Do not report any aspects of the history of either party that have not been presented in the trial or hearing and might reflect on the accused’s guilt or innocence.
Within these constraints, there remain important areas where editorial judgements can and should be made. You should avoid exaggerating or sensationalising the evidence. Assessments of its significance can be made as long as they do not involve speculation. Contextual information about domestic violence may be discussed, as long as the guilt of the accused is not implied. Remember that where the crime is a sex offence or the alleged victim is a child, statutory restrictions on identifying the alleged victim or defendant may apply.
There are no laws in Australia that specifically criminalise the practice of dowry or dowry abuse. The Victorian Government has legislated to refer to dowry abuse as an example of family violence[3] and, as noted, financial coercion is recognised in family law.
Dowries are a significant factor in coercive control in some communities. When reporting this issue, ensure that references are culturally accurate and appropriate by consulting with relevant community organisations.
Do not reinforce stereotypes that may legitimise or encourage discrimination and prejudice
Domestic or family violence exists in every identifiable community and in same-sex relationships. However, power imbalances that create discrimination result in women being disproportionately affected by violence.
Don’t identify people by race, ethnicity, sexual preference or other status unless it is pertinent to the story. Unnecessarily including such identifiers can reinforce myths about the causes of violence and may be perceived as blaming a person’s victimhood or perpetration on their race, religion or sexuality.
Avoid generalisations and unnecessary comparisons between communities and populations that may reinforce prejudice and stereotypes; liaise with organisations or individuals with deeper cultural knowledge. Consideration and respect must be given to cultural differences which may impact a victim-survivor telling their story.
While the root cause of usually gender-based power imbalances may be common, cultural and historical factors can vary considerably in different groups.
Reporting on family violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities requires particular care to ensure we do not reinforce racist myths and stereotypes.
However, Australia’s Indigenous community is complex and varied – do not assume the experience of all Indigenous people is the same. The rate of reported domestic violence is higher in many Indigenous communities than in the general population. The causes of this are complex and include poverty, intergenerational trauma, forced child removal, entrenched poverty, substance abuse and gender issues.
Do not make simplistic comparisons between Indigenous and non-Indigenous experiences and data.
As much as possible, coverage should be solutions-based and grounded in the experience of victims/survivors. Liaise closely with community organisations and listen to their advice.
Read the Indigenous reporting guidance note.
Read Kalinya Communications tips for DV reporting in Indigenous communities
Adult males can also be victims of domestic or partner violence. However, reliable data is hard to come by.
National data released in 2018[4] reports one woman is killed every week and one man is killed every month. According to ABS data, one in 6 Australian women and 1 in 16 men have been subjected, since the age of 15, to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or previous cohabiting partner.[5]
This raw data understates the extent to which women are the primary victims and men the primary perpetrators. It takes no account of male-on-male violence, the relative severity of male violence enacted against women, or the role of self-defence and sometimes revenge where men are the initial instigators of violence and abuse.
Notwithstanding that the number of women being convicted of domestic assaults has increased significantly, domestic and family violence is still overwhelmingly gender-based and committed by men.
As with any reporting in this area, contextual accuracy and reference to authoritative sources are essential.
A disproportionate number of domestic violence stories involve high-profile people simply by virtue of their celebrity. They will often get public support beyond that of other abusers.
Such cases should be treated the same as any other alleged perpetrator of a crime. That means focussing on the offence – not their achievements, or the character references of their friends and supporters.
Ensure that efforts to obscure locations and identities are effective
Physical safety is often an important consideration in reporting on victims or survivors. It may be necessary to avoid identifying locations or identities. Simply obscuring part of a face or location is unlikely to be effective if the perpetrator knows the victim well.Domestic and family violence survivors are likely to be traumatised; their well-being is an important responsibility. Always endeavour to be sensitive to their wishes and those of their families.
Children are particularly vulnerable, and should only be included or identified if all the potential safety, privacy and legal concerns have been carefully considered.
The identification of children should be upwardly referred.
Particular care should be taken when seeking consent from people with disabilities, who may be especially vulnerable, or may not be capable of giving fully informed consent.
However, privacy is not absolute; identification may be appropriate when editorially justified and in the public interest. (Refer to Privacy standard 6.1.)
Stories or programs in which domestic violence is a significant and explicit element should normally be accompanied with information about support services for victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.
In choosing when to provide information, use common sense. Some news bulletins may have multiple stories with a domestic violence component; it would not be necessary to promote help lines after every story.
Stories which may stimulate someone to seek help should tell people where they can get assistance. These are likely to be stories that describe incidents of domestic violence and/or the impact of domestic violence. A graphic description of the impact of domestic violence or abuse may well cause someone to think that they should seek help.
On the other hand, a story about the announcement of extra funding for education programs – or where the reference to an incident of domestic violence is incidental to the story – is unlikely to motivate a victim to pick up the phone.
The message should be tailored to a story’s circumstances, although the recommendation of the main support groups working in this area is to primarily use 1800 RESPECT.
The central national number recommended by most authorities is:
1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732
This should be the default referral. However, other numbers may be useful in addition to 1800 RESPECT, such as:
- Lifeline – 13 11 14 – particularly if suicide is an issue.
- Kid’s Help Line – 1800 551 800
- MensLine – 1300 78 99 78
- Men’s Referral Service – 1300 766 491
- Relationships Australia – 1300 364 277
- Police – 000 (‘triple zero’)
- Local or state-based services may be appropriate on local radio. E.g. DV Line in NSW
- LGBTIQ+ support – or
The nature of the story and the platform will determine which, and how many, services are promoted.
On television and radio, where it is difficult to promote a range of services, the national hotlines should be the default option. They are:
- 1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732
- Police – 000
- 1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
For instance:
If you’re in an abusive situation or know someone who is, call 1800 RESPECT. If it’s an emergency, call triple-zero. (alt. You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14)
On TV news, a strap at the bottom of frame accompanied by a reader back-announce is also acceptable:
For advice on domestic violence, call 1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732.
For online stories a wider range of services can be publicised.
Editorial PoliciesOurWatch Guidelines for reporting violence against women
Kalinya Communications guide to reporting DV in Indigenous communities. Victoria focussed but useful for reporting anywhere.
ANROWS: Violence against women: accurate use of key statistics
ANROWS Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality
RMIT-ABC Fact Check: Domestic violence in Australia
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards.
Issued: 21 December 2015, Revised 2 May 2024