NB: This Guidance Note is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies in the context of coverage of Federal, State and Territory Elections (see “Status of Guidance Note”).
Key Editorial Standards
Excerpts of key editorial standards relevant to this Guidance Note are set out below.
Other editorial standards may also be relevant, depending on the specific circumstances applying in each case.
2 Accuracy
2.1 Make reasonable efforts to ensure that material facts are accurate and presented in context.
2.2 Do not present factual content in a way that will materially mislead the audience. In some cases, this may require appropriate labels or other explanatory information.
4 Impartiality and diversity of perspectives
4.1 Gather and present news and information with due impartiality.
5 Fair and honest dealing
5.3 Where allegations are made about a person or organisation, make reasonable efforts in the circumstances to provide a fair opportunity to respond.
9 Public access and participation
9.1 Free broadcast time or publication space may be provided to enable individuals or organisations to communicate directly with the ABC, the audience and each other, provided that:
a the content is broadcast or published as a public service;
b the content is relevant and suitable in the context in which it appears;
c the ABC maintains editorial control; and
d ABC independence and integrity are maintained.
9.2 Opportunities to participate must be administered fairly and respectfully.
9.3 Do not knowingly mislead audiences about the nature of the content.
9.4 Clearly distinguish content generated and submitted to the ABC from content produced, commissioned or acquired by the ABC.
9.5 Do not accept money or other benefit in exchange for broadcasting or publishing the content generated through public access and participation.
The ABC’s coverage of federal, state and territory elections is determined by the duties, standards and guidance contained in the ABC Act, the ABC Editorial Policies (as updated from time to time), and associated materials.
The challenges of providing accurate and impartial election coverage create a particular need for interpretation and advice. When questions arise, the usual processes of upward referral should be followed. Content-makers and editorial managers are also able to seek advice from members of the Election Coverage Review Committee (ECRC) which is brought together for each state and federal election. All relevant Divisions are represented on the ECRC, which contains people with long experience of the ABC’s standards and how to apply them.
One of the key roles of the ABC is to facilitate the democratic process in Australia. This conception of the ABC’s role, together with the Editorial Policies, particularly section 9, provide the foundation for the detailed advice that the ECRC gives on the issues that may arise in campaign coverage. The ABC’s obligations relating to accuracy, impartiality and providing an opportunity to respond are also relevant.
These key editorial standards are set out at the end of this Guidance Note. You should also be familiar with the guidance notes on Impartiality, Accuracy and Fair Opportunity to Respond.
The ABC expects that the Editorial Policies will be upheld with particular care during election campaigns with the overarching aim of providing high quality coverage through:
- the reasoned application of news values;
- responsiveness to events and issues as and when they arise; and
- good-faith efforts to fairly and accurately obtain, scrutinise and report the actions and policies of those seeking election, especially those parties with a practical prospect of forming the next Government.
- thoughtful attention to issues of style and tone which may inadvertently colour perceptions of impartiality. For instance, don’t sign off an interview with a candidate with a phrase like ‘good luck’. While you’re only meaning to be polite, it could well sound too encouraging to some of your audience.
Legal obligations
Election blackout
The ABC is not required to comply with the electronic media blackout that runs from midnight on the Wednesday before polling day until the end of polling on the Saturday.1 Nevertheless, the ABC has decided as a matter of policy to observe the election blackout and accordingly will not schedule free time election broadcasts to run after midnight on the Wednesday before polling day. The ABC’s editorial coverage, including news, current affairs and set pieces like Press Club events, is unaffected by the blackout.
Identifying electoral commentary published on ABC websites and ABC social
media accounts
The ABC is not required to name or identify individuals posting comments on the ABC’s website or on its official social media pages.2 However, it would nevertheless be good practice to ensure that every ABC webpage and ABC social media account (e.g., on Facebook or Twitter) that posts or hosts electoral material relating to a federal, state or territory election clearly identify the ABC as the responsible operator. This can be done by including the ABC’s name and contact details on the site or otherwise making clear that the space is an official ABC one.
Use of social media
Use of personal social media accounts during the election period
During election periods, there can be particular scrutiny of the ABC and the way it
upholds its standards. ABC staff and contractors are reminded of the ABC’s Personal Social Media Standards and the five standards set out in that policy:
- Do not damage the ABC’s reputation for impartiality and independence.
- Do not undermine your effectiveness at work.
- Do not mix the professional and the personal in ways likely to bring the ABC into disrepute.
- Do not imply ABC endorsement of your personal views.
- Do not disclose confidential information obtained through work
As always, take care not to make comments or post content on official or personal accounts that might compromise the ABC’s impartiality or bring the ABC into disrepute. Editorial staff should avoid advocating for a group or cause, or expressing a partisan view on political or controversial issues, where this is likely to create a reasonable perception of bias that may compromise their ability/credibility to report or cover these issues for the ABC.
More detailed guidance is available on managing personal social media accounts and Operating Official ABC Social Media Accounts.
Moderation of ABC accounts on social media sites (e.g. Facebook)
The ABC Editorial Policies provide latitude in moderating ABC social media accounts – see the Guidance Note on Moderating User Generated Content, which states:
As social networking sites and other forms of user interactivity are evolving, the ABC needs to take a flexible approach to assessing when and how it intervenes. The approach adopted by the ABC in each case should be sensitive to the expectations, customs and conventions of existing users of the third party site, and to the ABC’s need to maintain its own reputation as an innovator with integrity.
In considering how to handle particular circumstances it can be helpful to refer back to the Principles in section 9 of the Editorial Policies, especially the reference to editorial responsibility being proportionate to the level of control.
ABC social media accounts which actively encourage political debate should consider more active moderation during the election period. It may be necessary to respond quickly, especially to content that defames, racially vilifies, or is otherwise unlawful. The ABC must exercise appropriate editorial control to ensure that unlawful or otherwise inappropriate content is not posted or is removed as soon as the ABC becomes aware. This requires judgement, since it is the ABC’s role to facilitate and allow the sort of robust debate and discussion that is likely to occur during an election period. If in doubt, refer up.
It may also be appropriate to moderate the ABC’s account to ensure it is a forum for robust debate and not dominated by an organised campaign of one particular group or party. And, as in talkback radio, there may be occasions when it is appropriate to ask a candidate who posts to declare themselves as being a candidate.
When the ABC determines that it is appropriate to moderate UGC on any of its social media accounts (such as on its Facebook pages), the grounds on which comments or other UGC are deleted or otherwise moderated should generally be posted. This can be done by referring or linking to the relevant sections of the ABC’s Terms of Use and, where appropriate, the House Rules or Moderation Statement associated with the particular ABC page. Before establishing rules for moderation of an ABC account on a third party site, consideration must be given to the site’s terms and conditions and, where appropriate, Legal should be consulted.
Fair and balanced coverage
Keeping good notes
Staff are required to take care to keep a note of their efforts to offer candidates and party officials opportunities to appear on ABC platforms. It will usually be sufficient to keep a brief note of date, time, the person’s name/party, the issue they are being approached about and, if relevant, the reason the opportunity was not taken up.
Divisions may wish to develop templates to circulate to staff to promote the keeping of consistent and transparent records.
The purpose of the note-taking requirement is to assist the ABC to respond adequately in cases where it may be claimed later that a given candidate or party was not given a fair go. The reason an opportunity was not taken up may be that the person could not be contacted or declined to comment. The notes show the efforts to reach them and to provide an opportunity to comment or to be interviewed or otherwise participate. It is evidence of efforts to be fair, accurate and impartial. In some instances, of course, deadlines and other factors make it impossible to obtain material relevant to coverage of a given story or issue in the same program or on the
same day. That understanding of the practicalities is reflected in the relevant sections of the Editorial Policies, for example through the use of terms such as “reasonable efforts” in sections 2.1 and 5.3.
Notes kept by program teams and content areas should also include any other relevant matters which may affect balance and impartiality during election campaign coverage (for example, a major international event or natural disaster during a campaign may require extensive coverage from a Foreign Minister or Prime Minister that could distort normal balanced coverage of daily political issues. Alternatively, a scandal involving a particular politician may lead to a particular focus on one individual).
All notes should be preserved in case they are required in future to respond to claims of unfair or partial treatment. They are not required to be forwarded to the ECRC unless sought.
State and territory politicians commenting on federal election issues and vice
Staff should keep notes of the opportunities they extend to politicians from other jurisdictions to speak on election issues.
State and territory politicians, especially Ministers, from other jurisdictions are constantly appearing on ABC platforms to speak and be questioned about a wide variety of matters, mostly to do with their specific responsibilities. They might speak – whether solicited or unsolicited – about federal election issues at least some of the time. In this way, they become part of the federal campaign, even though they serve
in a parliament elsewhere. Likewise, a federal politician appearing on ABC platforms may comment on a current state or territory campaign, particularly if they hail from that state or territory.
Where the ABC considers it appropriate to seek a response or include an unsolicited response about an election issue from a politician from another jurisdiction, it is important to keep a note of whether the opportunity to respond was taken up and, if not, why. Conversely, if a politician’s comment on an election issue is considered to require an opportunity to respond be given to a candidate or party official, keep a note of whether the opportunity to respond was taken up and, if not, why.
Former party leaders (ex-Prime Ministers, Premiers and Chief Ministers and ex-Leaders
of the Opposition)
Coverage of former leaders is relevant to the overall assessment of fairness and balance of our coverage. Staff should keep notes of the opportunities they extend to former party leaders to speak on election issues. It is recognised that not all ex-leaders make public comments that align with the contemporary views of their party.
Some become regular commentators on politics and may express views that differ from those their party currently espouses. Some may intervene on specific issues only, stating a view from which their party may have moved. So it is not automatic that an ex-leader backs their party’s current position on every issue. When these situations arise, think about what an ex-leader is saying in the contemporary context. If in doubt in particular circumstances, refer up.
Not “making up the difference” when candidates decline invitations to participate
In some elections, candidates and party officials from a major party repeatedly decline invitations to participate in ABC programs for a range of reasons. This can lead to a temptation by ABC staff to “make up the difference” to balance coverage, even when there is no formal count of share-of-voice. This could include limiting comment by the opposing side or by providing greater coverage to that party during the final weeks or days of the campaign to achieve balance, regardless of news values. Such an approach would seriously distort our coverage and should be resisted.
Free-time party election broadcasts
Allocation to eligible parties
Eligible political parties may be allocated free broadcast time on ABC1 and ABC Local Radio to broadcast policy announcements. Major parties are also eligible for broadcast time for their final pitches at the end of the campaign period. Additional allocations may be made for minor or new parties who meet threshold criteria. Once election broadcasts have gone to air, they are usually posted on the ABC’s Election site. For more information about eligibility criteria and broadcast allocations, see the ABC Board’s policy statement.
The ABC does not allocate free election broadcast time to independent candidates. The ABC – in its allocation of free broadcast time and its general news and information coverage – strives for balanced treatment for the major parties over the course of the campaign, but this does not require equal treatment across all candidates, including independents and those from minor parties.
The broad principles behind the allocation of free broadcast time are:
- the bulk of the time is given to the parties which, if successful, would be in a
position to form government; and - the criteria to determine time given to minor or new parties deal not just with
existing representation but also consider the party’s degree of formal
participation in the election (seats contested) and support state-wide (polls). For
details, see ABC Board’s policy statement on allocating free election broadcast
time to political parties.
As a public broadcaster, the ABC views the allocation of free time from a jurisdiction wide perspective (whether federal, state or territory-wide), rather than from a local electorate perspective. Independent members and candidates are quintessentially locals, whose fortunes – unlike those of parties – are determined within the boundaries of a single electorate.
Minor party candidates and Independents may of course be newsworthy. Leaving to one side the free broadcast time issue, in approaching election coverage in news and information programs, ABC staff are advised to determine coverage of minor parties and independents according to news value, and to provide coverage that is proportionate to the role of minor parties and independents in the campaign or in particular issues before the electorate.
Requests for assistance in producing free time party election broadcasts
When a party representative asks to use ABC studio facilities to produce a free-time party election broadcast that will air on ABC TV or ABC Radio, refer to the ABC’s Production Guidelines for Free Broadcasts by Political Parties, a copy of which is provided to parties prior to the allocation of free time. These Guidelines state:
Subject to production commitments and studio availability, and provided adequate notice is given, ABC studio facilities in capital cities may be made available for speakers to pre-record their material. The ABC will make available studios for the straightforward recording of a speaker only. ABC staff will not assist or advise in relation to the content or presentation style nor otherwise act in any way that may compromise ABC independence and integrity. The ABC will charge for the use of its resources on a cost-recovery basis.
Except as set out in these Production Guidelines, the ABC will not edit material provided by the parties unless for technical reasons. If editing is required for technical reasons, the relevant party will be asked to approve it in writing.
If you have any question about providing production assistance, refer upwards.
Related material
- Australian Communications and Media Authority, Election Guidelines, last
update 6 September 2013. - Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Backgrounder – Electoral Advertising, July 2013.
1.The blackout period under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) bans community and commercial broadcasters from airing election advertisements “Election advertisements” are defined to include paid broadcasts that are directed at soliciting votes for a candidate or commenting on a party or election issue. The blackout applies in relation to elections to the Commonwealth Parliament, a State Parliament, or a Territory legislature. This election advertising blackout does not apply to the ABC because:
- national broadcasters like the ABC are not in the list of broadcast licensees who are subject to the blackout provision; and, in any event, the ABC does not broadcast paid election advertisements. Election broadcasts on the ABC – that is, the time the ABC makes available to the parties for campaign launches and short announcements created by the parties themselves – are regulated under the ABC Act, which does not expressly restrict or “black out” election matters on the ABC at any time.
2. The Commonwealth Electoral Act requires that any announcement on the internet intended to affect voting in a federal election must identify the name and address of the person who authorised the announcement. (Similar obligations are generally imposed by state and territory electoral laws.) The ABC is not required to comply with these provisions because:
- the ABC does not broadcast or publish paid electoral advertisements;
- the ABC has a broad discretion under section 79A(1), ABC Act, to determine the manner and extent to which it broadcasts political matters;
- national broadcasters like the ABC are not subject to the licence conditions in Schedule 2, Broadcasting Services Act, that apply to commercial, community and subscription broadcasters;
- in relation to election broadcasts (or “political matter [broadcast] at the request of another person”), the ABC is instead required to comply with similar identification provisions under section 79A(2)-(5), ABC Act; and
- in relation to electoral material published online, the Commonwealth legislation does not apply in any event to material that forms part of a general commentary on a website: section 328A, Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.This exclusion of online commentary is consistent with the treatment of “letters to the editor” in newspapers and talkback callers on radio – none of which are required by law to be identified during an election.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies in the context of coverage of the federal, state and territory elections. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints-handling procedures. It is expected that the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed.
In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards.
Issued: 14 February 2014, Revised: 26 March 2021