The ‘Note on Interpretation’ at the outset of the Editorial Policies – Principles and Standards draws attention to the need to apply standards with due regard for the nature of the content under consideration in particular cases. Section 5.3 applies to news and current affairs and other types of factual content, such as documentaries.
The focus of this Guidance Note is on the provision of a fair opportunity to respond prior to disclosure of allegations. When allegations are made during live content it is necessary to consider offering an opportunity to respond in the ordinary course of ongoing coverage (see below ‘What if allegations are made in a live broadcast?’).
This Guidance Note does not apply to –
- content that is found to be flawed after broadcast or publication and an opportunity to respond is provided as part of the editorial remedy; or
- content genres in which the provision of an opportunity to respond is not a recognised standard – criticism and review of artistic works is one example; comedy and satire is another.
The editorial standard in section 5.3 should not be taken to change the usual conventions for fair reporting of courts, commissions of inquiry and other proceedings in which the person who is the subject of allegations has an opportunity in due course to respond in those proceedings.
Key Editorial Standards
Excerpts of key editorial standards relevant to this Guidance Note are set out below. Other editorial standards may also be relevant, depending on the specific circumstances applying in each case.
5 Fair and honest dealing
Opportunity to respond
5.3 Where allegations are made about a person or organisation, make reasonable efforts in the circumstances to provide a fair opportunity to respond.
Mandatory referrals
In the rare circumstances in which it seems necessary for the ABC to report serious allegations without first seeking a response at all, it is mandatory to refer up and consult Legal.
In addition to the mandatory referral to ABC Legal in editorial standard 5.9, staff are required to refer all content matters with legal implications to ABC Legal for advice. See the Consulting ABC Legal Guidance Note for further information
Why the requirement to provide a fair opportunity to respond?
In the course of fulfilling its statutory duty to provide independent news and information, the ABC reports allegations including about action or inaction that may be unlawful, improper, incompetent, negligent, corrupt, dishonourable or antisocial.
To make such disclosures in the public interest is a core function of the media in a free society.
One of the recognised standards of journalism is the provision of an opportunity to respond to allegations. It is fundamental to fairness. Providing an appropriate opportunity to respond to allegations – and adequately and fairly including that response in the story – can also make the difference between having or not having a defence in some legal contexts. For example, the law may excuse defamatory material which cannot be proved to be true if, among other things, the broadcaster made a reasonable attempt to obtain and present a response from the person who claims to have been defamed.
Seeking a response can help to achieve accuracy by providing an opportunity for errors to be identified and misunderstandings to be clarified.
Obtaining a response can also contribute to the quality of a piece of journalism by enriching the detail, sharpening the point or opening fresh angles of enquiry.
How much information should be given to the respondent?
The opportunity is more likely to be regarded as fair if you err on the side of clarity and precision rather than be vague and broad about what is being alleged and the basis for it.
Provide sufficient information to allow the person or organisation to understand the allegation and its basis. It is not usually enough to tell the person that you wish to talk to them about some general topic. Even if you believe the person is familiar with the allegations already, you should not assume that and should set out the relevant information.
Subject to any specific need to keep the identity of a source confidential, it is preferable if the person is told the source of the allegations as that information may enable the person to provide a more detailed and effective response.
Summaries should be accurate. In most cases there is no need to provide access to the raw material on which allegations are based.
Bear in mind the need to ensure practical protection of sources – see the Attribution / anonymity of sources Guidance Note.
How much time should be allowed for a response?
The person must be given a reasonable time to respond. The amount of time which it is reasonable to allow for a response before the allegation is made public depends in every case on the circumstances. No set formula can or should be fixed. What is a reasonable time will be determined by looking at the situation from that person’s perspective – not the perspective of the media. If the matter results in legal action, it is unlikely that a court would give any weight to the fact that the media wanted to publish a story at a particular time, except in rare circumstances such as where disclosure is urgent in the public interest, for
instance where public safety is at immediate risk.
The urgency for disclosure will vary in different situations. While it is preferable to carry responses in the same piece of content that makes the allegation – preferable for the audience as well as the subject – it is not always possible.
Urgency for disclosure in the public interest will ordinarily have greater weight than the urgency felt from competitiveness with other media outlets or the self-imposed urgency that scheduling or other internal factors can generate. Where there are legal issues, it may be critical that the response is carried in the same piece of content that makes the allegations.
The amount of time to allow will depend on factors such as –
- the complexity of the issues raised;
- the extent to which the person or organisation already had knowledge of the allegation and its basis;
- language difficulties, remote locations, or the number of links in a chain of communications between the subject and the ABC;
- the possibility the person may need to locate records to refresh his/her memory;
- the significance of other matters which the person may have to deal with at the same time; and
- the extent to which the subject of the allegations is media savvy or inexperienced with media.
If at all possible, communicate with the person directly. Contacting a person’s advisors or representatives may not be sufficient, even if the person has a reputation for being associated with the advisor or representative. For example, contacting a company for comment about the conduct of one of its directors may not be sufficient from a legal point of view. When dealing with an advisor or representative, always stress that it is important the person himself/herself be notified and involved. There are some situations, however, where it is likely to be acceptable to deal with an advisor or representative, such as where the advisor or representative is also the person’s lawyer or their personal media advisor. For senior politicians, for example, dealing through their authorised spokesperson will be sufficient in most situations.
By what methods?
Provide the opportunity to respond – and be willing to receive a response – by whatever methods are available and appropriate in the circumstances. It may be through personal meetings, email, phone, fax or other means of contact.
Intermediaries may assist. Social media (such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn) may facilitate contact. Responses can be oral or written. The opportunity to respond can occur on-air (e.g. during a recorded interview) or off-air (e.g. where the subject is telephoned and notes of their response made). If a person will not be participating in a recorded interview, it is useful to make written enquiries by letter, fax or email, setting out the allegations as described above. This provides evidence which can be used in court. If a person refuses to take calls, making written enquiries provides good evidence of having made a reasonable attempt to obtain a response from the person.
In some cases, where conventional methods have not worked and the issue is serious or the urgency great, it may be necessary to doorstep a person. If a response is sought from a person but further investigations call into question aspects of that response, it will often be necessary for the person to be given a further opportunity to respond to the apparent flaws in, or problems with, the person’s initial response.
Conveying the response to the audience
Once obtained, a response should be treated fairly and accurately. It may generate new angles of enquiry. The manner in which the response is conveyed to the audience is a matter of editorial discretion. A response need not
necessarily appear in full or verbatim.
If the person provides a response, it is usually necessary for that response to be in the initial story and any other story reporting the same matters. This is particularly the case where the allegation is later the subject of a defamation or other legal action. It is usually irrelevant to the question of legal liability that the response was put in a subsequent story.
A response should be reported in such a way that a reasonable audience member would understand how the response that was received by the ABC addressed the allegations that were put to the subject of the allegations.
A response needs to be included in the story in appropriate detail and presented reasonably. Simply stating that the person ‘denies the allegations’ may not be sufficient if the person provided a more detailed response. For example –
- The more detailed and complex the allegations, the more likely that it will be necessary to include the person’s response in some detail so that the connection between the person’s response and the key issues involved is made clear to the audience.
- If a story contains an ‘attack’ on a person and the person’s response is reduced to one or two seemingly ‘obligatory’ or ‘throw away’ statements, or the response is presented sarcastically, it may appear that the audience is being led to give little or no weight to the person’s response. That may result in a court or complaints-handling body concluding that the person’s response has not been adequately and fairly presented.
It is not advisable to present a person’s response and follow it with further material that throws doubt on the veracity of the person’s response.
What if no response can be obtained?
Some subjects of allegations avoid, ignore or decline opportunities to respond.
They cannot, by withholding a response, control whether the ABC discloses information which may be adverse to them. Inability to obtain a response will not prevent the ABC from disclosing allegations where it is appropriate to do so.
Keep notes of unsuccessful efforts to provide opportunities to respond. When the allegations are broadcast or published, it is usually appropriate to let audiences know that efforts were made to get a response. It can boost credibility and engender trust. Give as much detail about the efforts as is editorially appropriate.
In some circumstances, there may be sufficient public interest in publishing quickly such that the person to whom allegations relate need not be afforded an opportunity to respond. This could happen, for example, where the public needs to be informed about a person for whom the police are searching and who is considered dangerous. However, such situations are rare and the story would need to be carefully worded.
More generally, legal advice should be obtained for all stories which may contain defamatory material or have other legal risks so that the risks can be assessed and discussed prior to publication.
In the rare circumstances in which it seems necessary for the ABC to report serious allegations without first seeking a response at all, it is mandatory to refer up and consult Legal.
Assessing ‘reasonable efforts’
Whether the efforts made are reasonable to provide a ‘fair opportunity to respond’ must be judged according to the particular circumstances of every case. Factors to consider include the following –
- The extent to which the person or organisation is the focus of the allegations –
Not every person or organisation mentioned in a story is affected to the same degree. The impact of allegations on some may be heavier than on others. This affects assessments about who ought to be provided with an opportunity to respond and, if so, what efforts are required to make the opportunity a fair one in the circumstances.
- The seriousness of the matter –
Efforts to provide an opportunity to respond should generally be commensurate with the seriousness of the allegation. A matter can be innately serious – for example, an allegation of high-level corruption. A matter can be serious because of its effects or implications, even though the core behaviour is not innately grave. For instance, a health official or police officer may act or not act through simple negligence, inadvertence, or a judgement call. But the effects of their decision may be such that the matter becomes serious.
Depending on the circumstances, variables which may be relevant in assessing ‘reasonable efforts’ in general or ‘seriousness’ in particular, include –
- The characteristics of the subject in light of the nature of the allegations –To illustrate: is it a party of touring rock musicians or a conference of school principals which is accused of anti-social behaviour in a hotel?
- The age of the allegations or of their factual basis –To illustrate: is the claim that the nominee for judicial office drove recklessly in his or her youth, or that he or she has been flouting the rules of the road
more recently? Will certain allegations be just as serious for, say, a priest, no matter how old the allegations or their factual basis may be? - The situation of the subject at the time the allegations are to be disclosed –To illustrate: a claim that an MP never completes expenses-related paperwork has different implications depending on whether it is made in a story about the MP’s impending retirement or in a story two days prior to voting in a tight election in which the MP is standing in a marginal seat.
- The complexity of the matter – The importance of a response tends to increase in proportion to the complexity of the allegations and their basis, simply because there is greater risk of misunderstanding or incorrect information. Complexity can include complicated facts, detailed or interweaving chronologies, multiple disputed recollections, incomplete or jargon-laden documentation, statistical data or interpretations by
experts in specialised fields such as finance, science or law. - The directness of the approach – Directness is relevant in two senses. First, consider the need for efforts to make direct contact, as distinct from indirect contact, with the affected person, having
regard to the extent of focus on them and the likely impact on them of disclosure of the allegations. Second, how direct, in the sense of up-front and clear, is the information provided to the affected person about what they are being asked to respond to?
What if allegations are made in a live broadcast?
The core of the editorial standard is fairness. Where it can be reasonably expected that allegations are going to be made in a live broadcast, plan for it to the extent practicable in the circumstances. The advice given above can help.
Where allegations are made unexpectedly during the course of a live broadcast, reasonable efforts should be made to treat fairly the person who is the subject of the allegation, recognising the context is a live broadcast. For example, a presenter may remind the audience that what has been said is simply an allegation. A presenter may challenge the maker of the allegation for evidence.
Depending on the circumstances, an initial response may be received by phone, text or tweet in time for the substance of that response to be fairly conveyed to the audience who heard the allegation made live. Where no response is obtained live, consider giving the audience notice that the subject of the allegation will be given an appropriate opportunity to respond in future, if not on air then online.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in Guidance Notes must be complied with.
Issued: 12 December 2011