The Standards
4.1 Gather and present news and information with due impartiality.
4.2 Present a diversity of perspectives within a reasonable timeframe, aiming to reach a similar audience, so that no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented.
4.3 Take care in the presentation of analysis and commentary. Do not present them as the editorial opinion of the ABC.
4.4 Do not misrepresent any perspective.
4.5 Do not unduly favour one perspective over another.
Impartiality is a fundamental standard to the ABC. It is central to its public service purpose and to its reputation as a credible and trustworthy broadcaster. Audiences expect the ABC to provide accurate, fair and unbiased information and a wide range of perspectives to help them to make up their own minds on contentious or controversial issues.
The ABC’s requirement for impartiality is defined in the statutory obligation in the ABC Act to gather and present news and information that is ‘accurate and impartial according to the recognized standards of objective journalism’.
The concept of ‘objectivity’ recognises that everyone has different values and particular perspectives on disputed facts and issues. Objectivity in this context means testing information through disciplined, evidence-based, open-minded and fair journalism.
To achieve objectivity, we must adhere to Standard 1 of the Editorial Policies, which requires us to ‘maintain the independence and integrity of the ABC’ and to ‘ensure that editorial decisions are not improperly influenced by political, sectional, commercial or personal interests’.
The ABC standards require that all news and information is duly impartial. This guidance will assist in understanding what is meant by due impartiality and how to achieve it across a range of content.
Remember, the ABC has a strong ‘upward referral’ system in place. Always talk to your editorial manager if in doubt.
These standards apply to news and current affairs content and to information broadcast or published by the ABC across all platforms.
They do not apply to content produced by ABC staff on personal social media platforms or to other activities of ABC staff in a personal capacity. External activities of staff can, however, affect the perception of impartiality of staff and the ABC. Staff should be aware of the guidelines on the personal use of social media and external work.
Because of its particular challenges, there is a special note covering factual drama.
Fairness to individuals and organisations when making allegations of wrongdoing is covered by the Fair and Honest Dealing standards and associated guidance.
Due Impartiality
It is important to highlight that the ABC requires due impartiality. Standard 4.1, ‘gather and present news and information with due impartiality’ recognises that there is no absolute or formula against which to assess impartiality. Due impartiality will be what is adequate and appropriate in each individual circumstance.
Furthermore, the likely audience expectations of impartiality will differ in different contexts; among an item in a news bulletin, a formal political interview, a point-of-view documentary, a panel discussion or a one-to-one conversational exchange on local radio.
Accuracy and contextual accuracy are strong indicators that the journalist or program maker has approached their story with due impartiality in all forms of content.
While the ABC should on all occasions be fair, accurate and open-minded it is not required to deliver equal treatment or equal time to all perspectives on all occasions. There can be good reasons to favour or highlight certain viewpoints, analyses or opinions in particular stories or programs.
What is duly impartial is determined by a wide range of factors:
- the type, subject and nature of the content;
- the circumstances in which the content is made and presented;
- the likely audience expectations of the content;
- the degree of contentiousness to the matter;
- the range of principal relevant perspectives on the matter of contention; and
- the timeframe within which it would be appropriate for the ABC to provide opportunities for the principal relevant perspectives to be expressed, having regard to the public importance of the matter of contention and the extent to which it is the subject of current debate.
The highest level of impartiality is required of news and current affairs content in relation to controversial and/or significant matters of public debate. The impartiality due will vary in other forms of content.
For instance, review programs will favour the perspectives of reviewers; investigations will often spend considerably more time outlining the evidence underpinning allegations and the impact on alleged victims than the responses of the alleged perpetrators; interview-based programs will concentrate on the interview; and point of view documentaries will often favour the perspective of the presenter.
Other examples are discussed in more detail below.
Assessing the contentiousness of different issues is a key factor in determining due impartiality.
A story or issue should be regarded as contentious if it involves disputes over conflicting values, facts, policies, reputations, and interests. They can often be characterised by public debate; polarised views and evidence of high emotion; and contradictory evidence.
The contentiousness of an issue can change over time as a result of social change, new evidence and changing political forces.
For example, the contentiousness of same-sex marriage peaked in the lead-up to the 2017 plebiscite but has significantly reduced following the passage of legislation legalising same-sex unions. At the time, the ABC worked hard to present a wide diversity of perspectives over short periods of time. While some people undoubtedly still oppose the changes, it has ceased to be a significant political issue or matter of public debate.
Therefore, the requirement for different perspectives in content referencing same-sex marriage no longer applies in most contexts.
Hallmarks of Impartiality
The Editorial Policies identify four ‘hallmarks’ of impartiality. When these hallmarks are present due impartiality is more likely to be objectively demonstrated, and when they are absent, a failure to be duly impartial is more likely.
The hallmarks, however, are not a checklist. How they are applied to achieve ‘due’ impartiality is discussed in more detail as it relates to each standard.
The ABC is guided by these four hallmarks of impartiality:
1. A balance that follows the weight of evidence
This applies principally where facts, or the relevance and importance of established facts are disputed. It is important to highlight that this obligation is to weigh evidence not to provide a balance of opinion or to give equal time to different sides of a debate.
This process allows experienced journalists, contributors and other content makers to come to conclusions and present interpretations of contentious issues when conducting analysis (see also section below on opinion and analysis). It also informs judgements of how much prominence to give to different facts and theories. The assessment of the credibility and authority of experts and sources is an important consideration in the weighing the balance of evidence.
In longer stories and long-running issues, there usually is a responsibility to make judgements about the relative merit of the evidence supporting contentious opinions.
This is not a licence to ignore credible evidence or exclude significant perspectives that do not conform with your conclusions. The audience should be informed as much as possible of relevant evidence and of the principal relevant perspectives in the community.
Where possible cite your evidence, use recognised experts and attribute your sources.
In rare and usually obvious cases the balance of evidence is so overwhelming that contrary interpretations of the evidence and facts should not be included. Holocaust denial, 9/11 conspiracy theories, MMR vaccines causing autism are well-known examples. Including such theories in a way that gives them respectability or parity with proven facts is called ‘false balance’ and may itself be a breach of the impartiality standard.
There are many situations when it is not possible to satisfactorily weigh evidence on contentious issues or factual disputes. This is often the case in daily news where reporters often have neither the time nor the expertise to make judgements about the relative strength of disputed facts or interpretations. In these situations, it is appropriate to present different sides of an argument without making judgements either explicitly or implicitly on their relative merit.
In highly contentious, politically charged debates, demonstrably false statements may be made by politicians and other representatives of significant perspectives. The responsibility to present all significant perspectives on issues may require you to report those statements. However, demonstrably inaccurate factual statements, as much as possible, should be identified and called out.
2. Fair treatment
Fair treatment refers to the manner and style in which contentious issues and key stakeholders are treated.
Examples of unfair treatment may include:
- Not providing stakeholders opportunities to comment on issues that directly affect them.
- Rudeness and not treating people with respect.
- Not giving interviewees a reasonable chance to answer questions and explain their point of view.
- Failing to provide sufficient context to explain points of view or inaccurately summarising those views.
- Misrepresenting a person’s or organisation’s views.
- Using language or music that is emotive, hyperbolic or inflammatory, which unduly colours perception of the issues or individuals that are the subject of the story.
What to do when key stakeholders decline interviews is discussed below in 4.5.
3. Open-mindedness
In both the process of making content and in the final product you should be able to demonstrate that you approached the story with an open mind.
Being aware of and challenging your own biases, prejudices, and assumptions about stories, people’s motivations and the interpretation of evidence is a fundamental hallmark of impartiality – and good journalism.
Perhaps the greatest danger to achieving impartiality is starting with a conclusion and then seeking to prove it without considering contrary evidence, different interpretations and inconvenient perspectives on issues. This is called ‘confirmation bias’. You should seek evidence that contradicts your thesis as rigorously as you seek evidence that confirms it.
4. Opportunities over time for principal relevant perspectives on matters of contention to be expressed
This relates particularly to standard 4.2 that says the ABC should ‘Present a diversity of perspectives within a reasonable timeframe, aiming to reach a similar audience, so that no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented’.
This standard recognises that the diversity on which a democratic society depends cannot be achieved all at once or in one genre or on one platform.
It is important to note that this is not a requirement for equal time. Inevitably different views will be assessed as more significant or more relevant in different circumstances. That should be reflected in their treatment.
Wherever practical, significant views about contentious issues should be presented over a reasonable time on each platform or within each program. What is practical, proportionate, and reasonable will depend on a number of factors:
- Program format; for instance, a broader range of perspectives would generally be expected within a long current affairs documentary or a panel program than in a short news story or radio interview. In digital content hyperlinks to other content may also be relevant.
- Audiences; is there likely to be audience overlap with content in different programs? For instance, it is reasonable to expect that different radio current affairs programs have significantly overlapping audiences. On the other hand, it is likely that Hack and the Religion and Ethics page have less overlap.
- Contentiousness and topicality; is this a highly contentious and current issue that is being widely discussed and reported across different programs and platforms? If so, it is reasonable to rely to some extent, but not totally on the coverage of other programs.
- Timeframe; how long it is reasonable to wait to present a different perspective will vary according to the contentiousness and any time sensitivity of the issue. Topical political issues for instance will require a shorter timeframe than long-running debates.
Analysis vs Opinion
Analysing and assessing evidence and drawing conclusions is an everyday part of making factual content. Experienced or specialised reporters and presenters are often expected to provide analysis that makes judgements about the actions, effectiveness and motivations of policy, public figures, organisations and governments.
For more information on writing or producing analysis see the guidance on Differentiating Between Factual Reporting, Analysis and Opinion.
Personal opinions on contentious issues are acceptable from external contributors, interviewees or guests if differing perspectives are presented (see Standard 4.2). Whether or not a range of perspectives will need to be presented in the same piece of content will require consideration of the factors outlined above.
ABC staff working in news, current affairs and information content may sometimes offer personal opinions on issues or subjects that are not contentious. However, context and audience expectations should be taken into account. There is much more latitude in a local radio talkback session than in a straightforward news presentation.
Many contentious issues and newsworthy events affect ABC staff directly. Their insights and knowledge can be harnessed to produce compelling content and to contribute depth and credibility to analysis. Firsthand experience can be powerful evidence to support an analysis of a contentious issue, but it should not be at the expense of objectively considering and including other experience, evidence and perspectives.
Guidance on the Standards
4.1 Gather and present news and information with due impartiality
This is the core standard for all newsgathering and production of information. It is applied to pieces of content or specific situations, such as a given news item or program or interview from short radio news stories to multi-part documentaries.
In addition to considering the factors required to achieve due impartiality of the content as listed above, this standard applies to the process of newsgathering and production itself:
- Was the making of the story or program demonstrably approached with an open mind and a commitment to fairness and accuracy?
- Were questions appropriate and relevant, seeking to elicit answers without pre-judgement to help audiences make up their own minds?
- Were reasonable efforts made to assess the available evidence and present it in context?
- Were affected parties given an opportunity to participate or comment?
4.2 Present a diversity of perspectives within a reasonable timeframe, aiming to reach a similar audience, so that no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented.
Often, not every perspective or aspect of a contentious issue can be fully explored in each story or program.
However, there is an obligation that over time the audience will be presented with as full a range as practical of significant views within the community.
There are many factors that affect which perspectives are significant, and where and over what time period they should be presented.
These are some issues to consider:
- What are the relevant or significant perspectives?
- What are the contentious issues being discussed?
- How much time and space do they deserve?
- When and where should they be included?
Significant Perspectives and Contentious Issues
‘Perspectives’ can signify the groups or organisations with an interest in an issue or the views themselves seen in the abstract. ‘Perspectives’ are not necessarily tied to a particular person or organisation. A perspective doesn’t always need to be articulated by the person directly affected, particularly if they are not able or willing to present their perspective themselves. Often someone else could represent those same views.
As always, the goal is to provide the audience with a range of relevant views so they can make up their own minds.
For most stories, it will be fairly clear who the principal people or organisations are. They will probably include:
- Authority; The people who have legitimate power to decide outcomes.
- Experts; People or bodies with recognised expertise in the matter to hand.
- Influencers; People with influence by virtue of their public standing.
- Affected parties; People, companies or organisations that will be affected.
All these groups represent or include significant perspectives on issues but not all can or should be included in every story. A proportionate representation will depend on the length and type of story and its particular focus.
For instance, on a complex subject like euthanasia there are many different perspectives between and within different groups: patients and their families, religious organisations, the medical profession, political parties, and governments etc.
No single story touching on euthanasia can include all affected parties or present every shade of opinion. An individual story can validly focus on one newsworthy aspect or issue within the wider debate. When there is a clear single issue being examined – such as the quality of palliative care – then the story should seek to present principal relevant perspectives on that issue.
How much time and where?
In assessing whether different perspectives need to be presented in the same story, program, series, or platform and over what time period, there are many factors to weigh.
Here are some key issues and pointers:
- Audience expectations: Would the audience expect to see a range of perspectives in one program or article?
- Audience composition: Be aware that audiences don’t watch, hear or read all ABC content, so as much as possible, it is preferable to present diversity within each program or platform. We know that there is significant audience overlap among similar programs across platforms and at different times of the day, so it can be reasonable to allow for different perspectives on different programs. However, apply common sense – a Future Tense audience may be very different to Australia All Over. Much of the Apple News audience rarely watches ABC broadcasts and so on.
- Topicality and contentiousness: The greater the topicality and contentiousness of the issue, the higher the expectation for different perspectives to be presented around the same time and on the same program or platform. During election campaigns, for instance, the expectation is that different perspectives on issues will be presented within the timeframe of the election and that major news programs and platforms will each contain a diversity of perspectives. The diversity requirement on a long-term historical controversy, on the other hand, may be presented over longer periods and in different programs.
Program Format: For scripted content, generally the longer the story, the greater the expectation that more perspectives will be covered within one work. The expectation is different for short-form content. For instance:
- A Four Corners program examining a major public policy issue should seek to present principal relevant perspectives within the story. Conversely, radio news on a breaking story will likely present different perspectives in different stories over hours or days.
- Limited series will be considered as one work. For instance, the China if You’re Listening podcast can present different perspectives in different episodes.
- Panel programs as much as possible should seek different perspectives within each program. This is not a rigid rule though. A program like The Drum that discusses several issues a day and is broadcast five days a week may seek a diversity of perspectives on specific issues over time.
- For single person interviews or panel interviews where all the guests broadly agree, interviewers should challenge guests and play ‘devil’s advocate’ as well as seeking interviews with guests with different perspectives.
Dealing with marginal or offensive views
The ABC aims to fairly present all significant views in the community. While it is not possible to quantify when a perspective becomes significant, if particular views are impacting on political outcomes or provoking demonstrable social change, they are likely to be considered significant.
However, simply because a public figure such as an elected politician holds an extreme view does not make it significant.
The ABC may choose not to broadcast or publish views that are offensive or harmful. This is discussed further in the Harm & Offence standard and in the guidance on Hate Speech.
4.3 Take care in the presentation of analysis and commentary. Do not present them as the editorial opinion of the ABC.
The ABC presents a wide range of opinions which are not representative of the values of the ABC as expressed in standard 4.3. It should not campaign, lobby or advocate for any particular outcome on a contentious issue or policy and it must be rigorously non-partisan.
The ABC stands behind all its content, therefore the commitment to impartiality is both individual and collective. Consequently, stories, reporters or ABC presenters generally should not advocate for particular policy or social outcomes or tell officials or politicians what they should do.
As defined in the impartiality principles the ABC ‘takes no editorial stance other than its commitment to fundamental democratic principles including the rule of law, freedom of speech and religion, parliamentary democracy and non-discrimination.’ These values motivate much of our content and in many cases define its newsworthiness.
But that does not mean that ABC journalists can make judgements based on their own personal values or interests. This is the distinction at the heart of the difference between analysis and opinion as it’s understood at the ABC.
In information output, care should also be taken to ensure the breadth of story and subject selection sufficiently reflect the issues, concerns and perspectives relevant to all Australians. Care needs to be taken not to overlook certain stories, as omissions can also be interpreted as a form of editorialising.
4.4 Do not misrepresent any perspective.
Accuracy is perhaps the most important evidence of impartiality and of all good journalism and information content. If you have accurately presented and contextualised a wide range of views, that is powerful evidence that you have approached a story objectively.
Deliberate misrepresentation of a perspective is a clear sign of bias. Unintentional misrepresentation of a perspective can be a straightforward accuracy issue. However, a failure to take proper care to accurately present a perspective can also be considered under this standard, especially when other elements of the content point towards a lack of impartiality.
4.5 Do not unduly favour one perspective over another.
A ‘perspective’ can be a company, government or person responsible for, or directly affected by a disputed policy but it can also be an analysis, a sectional interest or simply an opinion on a contentious issue that has significant currency in the community.
As it suggests, this standard allows the favouring of certain perspectives under some circumstances.
While there is an overarching requirement for the ABC to present all significant perspectives on contentious issues over time (Standard 4.2), the requirement for different perspectives and the weighting of those perspectives within a particular story, interview or series will depend on many factors, including:
- The type of content.
- Availability of spokespeople.
- Audience expectations.
- The proximity of other perspectives in related content.
Stand-alone interviews can be seen to favour the perspective of the interviewee. The purpose of the interview is presumably to get their perspective and the audience would expect them to get a reasonable opportunity to state their case. Impartiality can be achieved by a combination of challenging questioning and conducting other interviews at other times.
For instance, the audience would expect a current affairs interview of the Prime Minister or the Opposition Leader on a current controversy to be polite but challenging. In another context, it may be more appropriate for the interview to be focussed on drawing out information or perhaps even the leaders’ emotional response to an event.
Again, audience expectations, context and the type of content should all be considered in the framing and conduct of interviews.
More information can be found in the Interviewing Guidance Note.
Unavailability of representatives/spokespeople
A common dilemma is what to do when key people or organisations cannot or decline to do interviews or respond to questions on the record. The refusal of one side in a story to offer attributable comment shouldn’t be allowed to suppress reporting.
If the questions relate to allegations of wrongdoing this is covered by standard 5.3 Fair Dealing and related guidance.
If a key perspective is available either through previous statements or from other people who can accurately represent their view, consideration should be given to including it.
Representative organisations may be useful for providing perspectives if actual participants such as companies or governments are unavailable. But they have no automatic right to participate, particularly where the objective is to hold a responsible (third-party) entity to account.
The primary obligation is to set aside your frustrations and inform the audience as best you can.
How you do this will depend on the type of program, the contentiousness of the issue and how much coverage the missing perspective has had elsewhere.
Transparency is important. It is usually appropriate to tell audiences when efforts have been made to present a key perspective through an interview or a response to questions.
Point-of-view documentaries
Documentaries or series may focus on the view or perspective of one person. Often that is a presenter, but it can also be an individual or group that is the focus of the program.
Audiences will expect that these programs favour their perspective though the existence of alternative viewpoints on matters of contention should still be acknowledged. This, however, may not be possible to do with acquired content.
If the material is highly contentious, consideration should be given as to whether other perspectives need to be presented in other programs and, where possible, signposted to assist audiences to find this content.
Solutions journalism
Solutions journalism and documentaries focus on the possible responses to social and political issues. They should use credible evidence to explore initiatives to solve problems.
A characteristic of this form of content is that the existence and nature of the problem itself may not be highly contentious, although the proposed solutions may be.
For example, the War on Waste series used clear objective evidence to highlight that excessive waste is an increasing environmental problem. This itself is not a highly contested conclusion. It then used a number of innovative techniques to explore possible responses. While the proposals may or may not be effective, the intent of seeking solutions and assessing their effectiveness is not highly contentious and does not require challenge within the series.
Review programs
The format and audience expectation of review programs will favour the perspective of the reviewer and there is no requirement to ‘balance’ different opinions. Reviews generally represent one informed and specialist view of a cultural work or, in the case of Media Watch, the media.
Status of Guidance Note
This Guidance Note, authorised by the Managing Director, is provided to assist interpretation of the Editorial Policies to which the Guidance Note relates. The Editorial Policies contain the standards enforceable under the ABC’s internal management processes and under the ABC’s complaints handling procedures.
It is expected that the advice contained in Guidance Notes will normally be followed. In a given situation there may be good reasons to depart from the advice. This is permissible so long as the standards of the Editorial Policies are met. In such situations, the matter should ordinarily be referred upwards. Any mandatory referrals specified in Guidance Notes must be complied with.
Issued: 22 July 2013, Revised: 13 December 2023