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Claire Hooper

Program: Claire Hooper

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Claire Hooper may be the face of baking on national television, but she’s still not above a gig going bad every now and then.

Features a guest appearance by Xavier Michelides, who owns up to having thrown Claire under the proverbial bus.

We’re looking for your stories from when you’ve seen a comedian die on stage. It happens more often than you might think.

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Thanks to James Valentine of the podcast Headroom for his words on Australian television in the 2000s.

James Valentine Head Room Episode default image

Study Notes

Power posing

Power Pose

This seemed a little specious from the start but Claire, like in the podcast, says it works.

Completely unexpectedly (not really) it was TED that popularise the new physiological fad of power posing in Amy Cuddy's 2012 talk (included below).

The later conclusion when the data was checked is that Amy and her co-authors "overreached".

We recommend you do some more reading on it.

SLATE: The Power of the “Power Pose”

And, here's the original TED Talk.



Rove (the TV show) finished up in 2009. It was immensely successful over its decade on Australian television.

Rusty Fragment

Big thanks to the Rusty Fragment podcast hosted by Sam Petersen and Greg Fleet.

We played a clip in the episode of Greg Fleet talking about doing a terrible gig at a mine.

Claire Hooper was also on that episode.

Find it here - The Pacquola and The Hoops.

More Claire Hooper



More Xavier Michelides



More Information

Host: Sami Shah

Producer: Courtney Carthy

Executive Producer: Ian Walker

Image Details

Claire Hooper


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