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Talisman Sabre: USS Ronald Reagan awaits war games off Australian coast

The USS Ronald Reagan

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan. (AAP: Yonhap News Agency)

Strapped in tightly and facing the back door inside a dark, steel shell is not the way I usually fly.

But that is how the US Navy delivered a group of journalists including me to the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier — among the precious cargo of mail and food packages from home.

We flew about two hours south to a secret location in international waters east of Rockhampton.

Amid the noise, my only indication that we were coming in to land on the 333-metre-long aircraft carrier was a quick "here we go!" from the crew, and some arm flailing.

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Seconds later, the plane touched the deck and the arrester gear tugged violently on the plane; the force slamming me back into my seat felt like a crash tackle.

The sturdy old plane had decelerated from 200 kilometres per hour to zero in just a few seconds.

A floating, armoured city

In full combat mode, the $4 billion Reagan can hold more than 70 aircraft and launch an F/A-18 Super Hornet every minute.

The nuclear-powered carrier towers 20 storeys above the waterline and displaces 97,000 tonnes of water.

Despite the steady feeling on deck, the ship is constantly on the move, tracing long rectangles in the sea, to maintain a steady headwind for the rapid take-offs.

Hornets parked on USS Ronald Reagan

The Reagan has 44 F/A-18 Super Hornets on board, but can carry up to 90 fixed-wing planes and helicopters. (ABC News: Travis Mead)

High on the bridge, Commanding Officer Captain Michael "Buzz" Donnelly keeps an eye on the contested waters of the Western Pacific — from Siberia to Australia's east coast.

"It's a huge expanse, essential to worldwide commerce, and the security and stability of this is the interest of all Pacific nations," Capt. Donnelly said.

Key to that security is the ability for the ship to patrol away from its Tokyo Bay base for months at a time.

Lt. Kenyatto Hayes using low tech figurines to mimic aircraft movements.

Lt. Kenyatto Hayes said flight control crews used low-tech figurines on what's called the "ouija board" to juggle aircraft movements. (ABC News: Robert Baird)

There are coffee shops and convenience stores — but contrary to the myth no McDonald's — on board for the 5,000 service men and women.

"We serve over 18,000 meals a day," Capt. Donnelly said.

"We have a full medical facility including surgery ... [and] the capability to manufacture our own parts for electric engines."

Top Guns to join Talisman Sabre

The flagship of the US Navy is here as part of Exercise Talisman Sabre.

More than 30,000 Australian, US and New Zealand personnel are currently taking part in the biennial war games at Shoalwater Bay in central Queensland.

Rear Admiral Williams onboard the USS Ronald Reagan

Rear Admiral Charlie Williams is the commander of the 7th Fleet, which patrols waters from the North Pacific to the Indian Ocean. (ABC News: Robert Baird)

Rear Admiral Charlie Williams said the Reagan's strike force played a key role in providing cover from the air.

"Establishing and maintaining maritime superiority. That's a very official way of putting it," he said.

"The airwing is made up of not only the latest and most modernised aircraft, but also, I would say, the top-of-the-line pilots."

So, the Top Guns?

"I'd say that, yes," he smiles.

I got lost for the first two weeks

The scale of the Nimitz-class Reagan was overwhelming for Aussie sailor Matthew Jackson, who usually spends his time on our largest ship, HMAS Canberra.

The C-2 Greyhound was built to fight the Soviets in in Baltic Sea.

The C-2 Greyhound was built to fight the Soviets in in Baltic Sea, but now makes deliveries to US warships. (ABC News: Travis Mead)

"It's enormous; it's an extra 100 metres at least on top of HMAS Canberra," the Midshipman said.

"I got lost for the first two weeks, not going to lie. I walked around in a daze for a while.

"I've managed to find my way around and slot in with the team quite well."

The sailors wrap up their mission on Wednesday, before heading to Brisbane for some well-earned shore leave on July 26.