ABC Asia
South Korea's speaker vows no repeat of martial law measure
South Korea's National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-shik tells parliament that he and other politicians will fight to prevent martial law if President Yoon Suk Yeol declares it again.
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: World Politics
Why has North Korea stayed silent about South Korea's political crisis?
News of an unfolding political crisis in South Korea dominated global headlines. But just over the border, North Koreans are kept in the dark. How will the hermit kingdom's leaders respond?
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: World Politics
Japanese artist creates intricate leaf art inspired by ukiyo-e
A Japanese artist's intricate work of cutting designs into leaves and posting them on social media is drawing attention from around the world.
Published: Location: JapanTopic: Art
South Korea's ex-defence minister ordered deployment of troops to parliament, official says
Kim Yong-hyun advised the president to declare martial law and ordered the deployment of troops to South Korea's parliament.
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: World Politics
South Korean ruling party demands president leave their ranks despite seeking to block impeachment motion
A day after South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol tried to enforce martial law, MPs convene to consider both an impeachment motion and a complaint of "insurrection" against him.
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: World Politics
Asia News Week
A weekly news program featuring the biggest and most timely stories from across Asia.
South Korean President apologises for declaring martial law
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has apologised for declaring martial law ahead of an expected impeachment vote.
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: Government and Politics
Lembaga Intelijen Five Eyes Peringatkan Meningkatnya Radikalisasi Anak Muda
Jaringan intelijen internasional Five Eyes memperingatkan adanya peningkatan radikalisasi anak muda "yang mengejutkan", sehingga mendesak para guru dan orang tua untuk membantu memerangi ancaman tersebut.
Published: Location: AustraliaTopic: Security Intelligence
Parlemen Korea Selatan Mulai Proses Pemakzulan Terhadap Presiden
Pihak oposisi di Korea Selatan telah menuduh Presiden Yoon Suk Yeol sempat memberlakukan darurat militer untuk mencegah penyelidikan kriminal terhadap dirinya dan keluarganya. Ikuti juga perkembangan berita dari Gaza dan Suriah.
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: Unrest, Conflict and War
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在特朗普两届任期之间 金正恩和普京成了盟友
Published: Location: United StatesTopic: World Politics
Published: Location: Korea, Republic OfTopic: World Politics
中国社会面临肥胖危机 超重人口比例或将超过美国
Published: Location: ChinaTopic: Obesity
头条:台湾总统赖清德过境美国关岛 据报与美国众议长通话
Published: Location: TaiwanTopic: World Politics