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Advent at St John's College Cambridge from its release, Advent 3.
Published: Program: For The God Who Sings
Have you had enough? — Contentment and the good life
Have you had enough? There are lots of ways you could interpret that question, and almost all of them are relevant to the end of the year! It's a time when many of us reassess our priorities and wonder, what does it look like to live "the good life"?
Published: Program: Soul Search
Hannah Arendt and the aesthetic
German-American political theorist Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) was someone who thought and wrote about some of the worst atrocities of the 20th century, so it might seem strange to suggest that her conception of politics was primarily aesthetic.
Published: Program: Philosopher's Zone
Have Democrats lost touch with their traditional supporters?
Newly uncovered letters reveal just how deep the crisis over "The Satanic Verses" became. And in the US, have Democrats abandoned their working-class base?
Published: Program: The Religion and Ethics Report
Overbearing allies and Centrelink bureaucracy: what it's like having a disability in Australia
For International Day of People with Disability 2024, God Forbid is hosted by special guests Siobhan Marin and Nas Campanella.
Published: Program: God Forbid