While parts of Australia's east coast are forecast for warm weather, a cold polar air mass is expected to bring rain and temperature declines of up to 20 degrees Celsius across the continent's south-east before the end of the week.
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Major storm outbreak across Australia to follow hottest spring weather in up to 42 years
The thundery finish to spring is not just random weather variability, but a likely indication of the probable weather patterns through December.
Photo shows Sunset overt he plains at Cohuna, Victoria with a solo tree standing in the distanceWhat Australia can learn from Spain's recent deadly floods
Australia is being urged to heed the lessons of Spain's devastating floods and make sure that warning systems and emergency response capabilities are up to tackling disasters that are becoming more frequent and more intense.
Photo shows People with brooms and boots clean muddy road with broomThis grazier's shopping list hasn’t changed much since 1986 — 34kg of flour, 26kg of sugar, four litres of tomato sauce
As wet season looms in northern Australia, the stockpiling of food in pantries and freezers is underway. Here's how the experts prepare for the big wet.
Photo shows four open fridges with food on shelves.Torrential rain hits Australia's east coast, with climate drivers activating thunderstorm season
Thunderstorms and torrential rain have hit across Australia this week, with forecasts suggesting this weather could continue through this week and to the end of the year.
Photo shows Lightning strikes nearby a house in suburban australia during a stormHeatwaves are forecast for northern Australia this weekend
It's already starting to warm up across the country, but a few places will really be feeling the heat in the coming days.
Photo shows Dawn shown over stockyards.